On this Day in History ... 8th July

08 Jul is in July.

975 Death of King Edgar Peaceful

1360 Release of King John II of France

1486 Stafford and Lovell Rebellion

1537 Bigod's Rebellion

1551 Sweating Sickness Outbreak

1656 Siege of Colchester

1683 Rye House Plot

1685 Battle of Sedgemoor

1533 Buggery Act

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 8th July

On 08 Jul 975 King Edgar "Peaceful" I of England (age 32) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. He was buried in Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His son King Edward "Martyr" I of England (age 13) succeeded I King England.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 1074. This year King William (age 46) went over sea to Normandy; and child Edgar (age 23) came from Flanders into Scotland on St. Grimbald's mass-day; where King Malcolm (age 42) and his sister Margaret (age 29) received him with much pomp. At the same time sent Philip, the King of France (age 21), a letter to him, bidding him to come to him, and he would give him the castle of Montreuil [Map]; that he might afterwards daily annoy his enemies. What then? King Malcolm (age 42) and his sister Margaret (age 29) gave him and his men great presents, and many treasures; in skins ornamented with purple, in pelisses made of martin-skins, of grey-skins, and of ermine-skins, in palls, and in vessels of gold and silver; and conducted him and his crew with great pomp from his territory. But in their voyage evil befel them; for when they were out at sea, there came upon them such rough weather, and the stormy sea and the strong wind drove them so violently on the shore, that all their ships burst, and they also themselves came with difficulty to the land. Their treasure was nearly all lost, and some of his men also were taken by the French; but he himself and his best men returned again to Scotland, some roughly travelling on foot, and some miserably mounted. Then King Malcolm (age 42) advised him to send to King William (age 46) over sea, to request his friendship, which he did; and the king gave it him, and sent after him. Again, therefore, King Malcolm (age 42) and his sister gave him and all his men numberless treasures, and again conducted him very magnificently from their territory. The sheriff of York came to meet him at Durham, and went all the way with him; ordering meat and fodder to be found for him at every castle to which they came, until they came over sea to the king. Then King William (age 46) received him with much pomp; and he was there afterwards in his court, enjoying such rights as he confirmed to him by law.

On 08 Jul 1198 Pope Innocent III (age 38) was appointed Pope.

On 08 Jul 1253 Theobald IV King Navarre (age 52) died. His son Theobald "Young" II King Navarre (age 13) succeeded V Count Champagne, II King Navarre.

Letters. 08 Jul 1279. Letter XVIII. Eleanora Princess of Wales (age 27) to her cousin Edward I (age 40).

To her excellent lord and well-beloved cousin, the Lord Edward, by the grace of God king of England, lord of Ireland, and dake of Aquitaine, his devoted cousin Eleonora, princess of Wales, lady of Snowdon, with such sincere affection as becometh, sends health to so great and so near a kinsman.

Be it known to your excellency, that we desire to hear good and prosperous news concerning your state and condition: therefore we entreat your excellency, humbly and earnestly, for our love's sake, that you deign to make known to us, as your humble cousin, and one ready to do your good pleasures, your state; and whether you wish any thing within our power which may redound to your honour^ or may please your majesty.

Although, as we have heard, the contrary hereto hath been reported of us to your excellency by some; and we believe, notwithstanding, that you in no wise give credit to any who report unfavourably concerning our lord and ourself, until you learn from ourselves if such speeches contain truth: because you shewed, of your grace, so much honour and so much friendliness to our lord and ourself, when you were at the last time at Worcester.

Wherefore, whatever you shall demand from us in this, or other matters that you wish, we shall ever be ready, according to our ability, to execute and accomplish.

Given at Llanmaes [Map], the 8th day of July.

On 30 Jun 1360 King John "The Good" II of France (age 41) left the Tower of London [Map] and proceeded to Eltham Palace, Kent [Map] where Queen Philippa (age 46) had prepared a great farewell entertainment. Passing the night at Dartford, Kent [Map], he continued towards Dover, Kent [Map], stopping at the Maison Dieu of St Mary at Ospringe, and paying homage at the shrine of St Thomas Becket at Canterbury [Map] on 04 Jul 1360. He dined with the Black Prince (age 30) at Dover Castle [Map], and reached English-held Calais [Map] on 08 Jul 1360.

Chronicle of Gregory 1433. 08 Jul 1433. And that same year the King (age 11) hylde his Parlyment at Wystemystyr, that be ganne the viij day of Juylle; and soo forthe it induryd unto Lammas, and thenne it was enjornyde unto Syntte Edward is day nexte folowynge; unto the whyche Parlyment came the Regaunt of Fraunce. Ande he come unto London on Syn Johnys evyn the Baptyste, and was worthely ressayvyde of the Mayre of London why the alle his aldyrmen and worthy comyners of the cytte.

Around Apr 1486 the Stafford and Lovell Rebellion was an armed uprising against King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 29). With the failure of the plot Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 30) fled to Margaret of York Duchess of Burgundy (age 39) in Flanders.

On 08 Jul 1486 brothers Humphrey Stafford (age 60) and Thomas Stafford was executed at Tyburn [Map].

Letters and Papers 1537. 08 Jul 1537. 228. Cromwell (age 52) to Sir Thomas Wyat (age 34).

Harl. MS. 282, f. 205. B. M. Nott's Wyatt, 316.

Writes this by George Pery, a gentleman of M. Chappuys, the Emperor's ambassador. Here at Stepney this morning arrived Rougecroix the herald with Wyat's letters dated 24 June. Forwarded them straightway to the King at Oking. Thanks him for his letters written at his first arrival before he had audience and for those now received. Touching communications with the Emperor's ambassadors, of which Cromwell wrote by M. de Vauldray, hopes for a good result. No news since last writing. The traitors have been executed, lord Darcy (deceased) at Tower Hill and lord Hussey (deceased) at Lincoln, Aske (age 37) hanged upon the dungeon of York Castle, Sir Robt. Constable (deceased) hanged at Hull, and the rest at Thyfbourne; so that all the cankered hearts are weeded away.

On 08 Jul 1545 Carlos Habsburg Spain was born to Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain (age 18) and Maria Aviz (age 17). Coefficient of inbreeding 20.02%.

Henry Machyn's Diary. The viij day of July [1551] was a plage, and a proclamasyon that [a testern shou]ld be but ixd, and a grot iijd; and anodur proclamasyon cam [out the] xviij day of August, that testerns cryd at vjd a pese; a grot [at ijd]; ijd but jd; and a jd ob.; and a alpeny a fardyng.

Note. Proclamations for depreciation of the coinage. Printed copies of these proclamations are in the collection in the library of the Society of Antiquaries, and their substance is stated in Ruding's Annals of the Coinage, 4to. 1817, ii. 107. Mr. Ruding, in a note in that page, throws some discredit on king Edward's accuracy as to dates in his Diary; but on that point it may be remarked that the proclamations were clearly prepared by the privy council some days before it was thought proper to make them public. The proclamation which according to the present diary was made known in London on the 8th of July, is printed with a blank date, "the of June."

A remarkable example of the effect produced by this depreciation of the currency is given in the account of Arden's murder in the Wardmote book of Feversham. The proceeds of the murderers' effects, after the payment of expenses, amounted "after the old rate," to 120l. "whereof there was lost by abasing or fall of the said money 60l." In consequence of this act of government rumours were current that further abasements were contemplated; and "By the letteres from London" it was reported "that on the 25. daye of July, or on St. James' daye, was a proclamation declaringe it was not the kinge nor his counseles intente to altere or abase any more his coynes yet; for heare wee greate rumors that in all haste, and that prively, the kinge and counsell was busye aboute the alteringe thearof, to be done out of hand, whearuppon many men wane their debts, which else would not have byn payde this vij. yeares." (MS. Harl. 353, f. 107.)

In the journals of the Privy Council are frequent entries relative to the prosecution of persons guilty of predicting further depreciations.

On 08 Jul 1560 Louis VI Elector Palatine (age 21) and Elizabeth Hesse Electress Palatine (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 55) and Christine of Saxony.

On 08 Jul 1624 Thomas Vyner 1st Baronet (age 35) was appointed Comptroller of the Mint by King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 58).

On 08 Jul 1647 Frances Teresa Stewart Duchess Lennox and Richmond was born to Walter Stewart (age 61) and Sophia Carew (age 37).

Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jul 1656. Hence to Ipswich, Suffolk [Map], doubtless one of the sweetest, most pleasant, well-built towns in England. It has twelve fair churches, many noble houses, especially the Lord Devereux's; a brave quay, and commodious harbor, being about seven miles from the main; an ample market place. Here was born the great Cardinal Wolsey, who began a palace here, which was not finished.

Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jul 1656. To Colchester [Map], a fair town, but now wretchedly demolished by the late siege, especially the suburbs, which were all burned, but were then repairing. The town is built on a rising ground, having fair meadows on one side, and a river with a strong ancient castle, said to have been built by King Coilus, father of Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, of whom I find no memory save at the pinnacle of one of their wool-staple houses, where is a statue of Coilus, in wood, wretchedly carved. The walls are exceedingly strong, deeply trenched, and filled with earth. It has six gates, and some watchtowers, and some handsome churches. But what was shown us as a kind of miracle, at the outside of the Castle, the wall where Sir Charles Lucas (age 43) and Sir George Lisle, those valiant and noble persons who so bravely behaved themselves in the last siege, were barbarously shot, murdered by Ireton in cold blood, after surrendering on articles; having been disappointed of relief from the Scotch army, which had been defeated with the King at Worcester. The place was bare of grass for a large space, all the rest of it abounding with herbage. For the rest, this is a ragged and factious town, now swarming with sectaries. Their trading is in cloth with the Dutch, and baize and says with Spain; it is the only place in England where these stuffs are made unsophisticated. It is also famous for oysters and eringo root, growing hereabout, and candied for sale.

Pepy's Diary. 08 Jul 1668. So home to dinner; and then with my wife to Cooper's (age 59), and there saw her sit; and he do do extraordinary things indeed.

On 08 Jul 1683 John Hampden of Great Hampden (age 30) was sent to the Tower of London [Map] on the discovery of the Rye House Plot.

Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jul 1685. Came news of Monmouth's (age 36) utter defeate, and the next day of his being taken by Sr Wm Portman (age 41) and Lord Lumley (age 35) with the militia of their counties. It seemes the horse, commanded by Lord Grey (age 29), being newly rais'd and undisciplin'd, were not to be brought in so short a time to endure the fire, which expos'd the foote to the King's, so as when Monmouth had led the foote in greate silence and order, thinking to surprize Lieut Gen Lord Feversham (age 44) newly encamp'd, and given him a smart charge, interchanging both greate and small shot, the horse, breaking their owne ranks, Monmouth (age 36) gave it over, and fled with Grey (age 29), leaving their party to be cut in pieces to the number of 2000. The whole number reported to be above 8,000, the King's but 2,700. The slaine were most of them Mendip-miners, who did greate execution with their tooles, and sold their lives very dearely, whilst their leaders flying were pursu'd and taken the next morning, not far from one another. Monmouth (age 36) had gone 16 miles on foote, changing; his habite for a poore coate, and was found by Lord Lumley (age 35) in a dry ditch cover'd with fern-brakes, but without sword, pistol, or any weapon, and so might have pass'd for some countryman, his beard being grown so long and so grey as hardly to be known, had not his George [Note. This is possible a reference to the Small St George Pendant] discover'd him, which was found in his pocket. 'Tis said he trembl'd exceedingly all over, not able to speake. Grey (age 29) was taken not far from him. Most of his party were anabaptists and poore cloth workers of yu country, no gentlemen of account being come in to him. The arch-boutefeu Ferguson, Matthews, *&c. were not yet found. The £5,000 to be given to whoever should bring Monmouth in, was to be distributed among the militia by agreement between Sr Wm Portman (age 41) and Lord Lumley (age 35). The battail ended, some words, first In jest, then in passion, pass'd between Sharington Talbot (deceased) (a worthy gent. son to Sr John Talbot (age 55), and who had behav'd himselfe very handsomely) and one Capt. Love, both commanders of the militia, as to whose souldiers fought best, both drawing their swords and passing at one another. Sharington (deceased) was wounded to death on the spot, to the greate regret of those who knew him. He was Sir John's only son.

Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jul 1688. One of the King's (age 54) chaplains preached before the Princess (age 26) on Exodus xiv. 13, "Stand still, and behold the salvation of the Lord", which he applied so boldly to the present conjuncture of the Church of England, that more could scarce be said to encourage desponders. The Popish priests were not able to carry their cause against their learned adversaries, who confounded them both by their disputes and writings.

Evelyn's Diary. 08 Jul 1689. I sat for my picture to Mr. Kneller (age 42), for Mr. Pepys (age 56), late Secretary to the Admiralty, holding my "Sylva" in my right hand. It was on his long and earnest request, and is placed in his library. Kneller (age 42) never painted in a more masterly manner.

On 08 Jul 1695 Christian Huygens (age 66) died.

After 08 Jul 1721. St Giles' Church, Wrexham [Map]. Monument to Elihu Yale (deceased).

Elihu Yale: On 05 Apr 1649 he was born in Boston, Massachusetts. On 08 Jul 1721 he died.

On 08 Jul 1752 Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 29) and Juliana Maria Welf Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 22) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. He the son of Christian VI King Denmark and Norway.

After 08 Jul 1755 Monument to Benet Legh 1747-1855 died aged eight, son of Peter Legh of Lyme and Martha Benet.

On 08 Jul 1756 Diana Sackville was born to George Sackville aka Germain 1st Viscount Sackville (age 40) and Diana Sambrooke.

On 08 Jul 1805 Daniel Gardner (age 55) died.

On 08 Jul 1810 the Bow Street police raided the White Swan on Vere Street in London that had been established as a molly-house in early 1810 by two men, James Cook and Yardley. Twenty-seven men were arrested, but the majority of them were released (perhaps as a result of bribe); eight were tried and convicted. On 27 Sep 1810 six men were pilloried at the Haymarket. On 07 Mar 1811 John Hepburn (46) and Thomas White (16), a drummer boy, were hanged at Newgate Prison, London [Map] despite not being present on the night of the raid.

On 08 Jul 1812 Louisa Jane Russell Duchess Abercorn was born to John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 46) and Georgiana Gordon Duchess Bedford (age 30). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 08 Jul 1822 Percy Bysshe Shelley drowned. He was returning on the Don Juan with Edward Williams from a meeting at Livorno with Leigh Hunt and Byron to make arrangements for a new journal, The Liberal. The boat was sunk is a storm. Shelley's badly decomposed body washed ashore at Viareggio ten days later and was identified by Trelawny from the clothing and a copy of Keats's Lamia in a jacket pocket. On 16 Aug 1822 his body was cremated on a beach near Viareggio and the ashes were buried in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome. The cremation was attended by George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron (age 34). His wife Mary Godwin aka Shelley (age 24) did not attend.

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica. After doing his best to set things going comfortably between Byron and Hunt, Shelley returned on board with Williams on the 8th of July. It was a day of dark, louring, stifling heat. Trelawny took leave of his two friends, and about half-past six in the evening found himself startled from a doze by a frightful turmoil of storm. The "Don Juan" had by this time made Via Reggio; she was not to be seen, though other vessels which had sailed about the same time were still discernible. Shelley, Williams, and their only companion, a sailor-boy, perished in the squall. The exact nature of the catastrophe was from the first regarded as somewhat disputable. The condition of the "Don Juan" when recovered did not favour any assumption that she had capsized in a heavy sea - rather that she had been run down by some other vessel, a felucca or fishing-smack. In the absence of any counter evidence this would be supposed to have occurred by accident; but a rumour, not strictly verified and certainly not refuted, exists that an aged Italian seaman on his deathbed confessed that he had been one of the crew of the fatal felucca, and that the collision was intentional, as the men had plotted to steal a sum of money supposed to be on the "Don Juan," in charge of Lord Byron. In fact there was a moderate sum there, but Byron had neither embarked nor intended to embark. This may perhaps be the true account of the tragedy; at any rate Trelawny, the best possible authority on the subject, accepted it as true. He it was who laboriously tracked out the shore washed corpses of Williams and Shelley, and who undertook the burning of them, after the ancient Greek fashion, on the shore near Via Reggio, on the 15th and 16th of August. The great poet's ashes were then collected, and buried in the new Protestant cemetery in Rome. He was, at the date of his untimely death, within a month of completing the thirtieth year of his age – a surprising example of rich poetic achievement for so young a man.

After 08 Jul 1822. Monument to Percy Bysshe Shelley in Christchurch Priory [Map]. Sculpted by Henry Weekes (age 15). The monument possibly contains Shelley's heart, possibly liver, which resisted cremation and was retrieved by Edward Trelawny who was present at the cremation.

The monument verse forty of fifty-five of Shelley's Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc:

He has out-soared the shadow of our night;.

Envy and calumny, and hate and pain,.

And that unrest which men miscall delight,.

Can touch him not and torture not again;.

From the contagion of the world's slow stain.

He is secure, and now can never mourn.

A heart grown cold, a head grown gray in vain;.

Nor when the spirit's self has ceased to burn,.

With sparkless ashes load an unlamented urn.

On 08 Jul 1823 Henry Raeburn (age 67) died.

After 08 Jul 1824. Monument in Wakefield Cathedral [Map] to Janet daughter of George Munro of Calderbank, wife of Daniel Maude of Wakfield. Sculpted by Joseph Kendrick (age 70).

On 08 Jul 1873 Franz Xaver Winterhalter (age 68) died.

On 08 Jul 1881 Percy Bryant Baker was born.

08 Jul 1885. St Oswald's Church, Brereton [Map]. Memorial to Ann Elizabeth Lowe, wife Samuel Ingham.

On 08 Jul 1905 Georgia Doble was born to Arthur Richard Doble Banker (age 33) and Georgie Ethel Hyde (age 31).

On 08 Jul 1924 Paul Albert Steck (age 58) died.

Births on the 8th July

On 08 Jul 1400 Oliver St John was born to John St John (age 16) and Elizabeth Paulet (age 13) at Bletsoe.

On 08 Jul 1418 John Percy was born to Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 25) and Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland (age 21). He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.49%.

In 1503 John Mason was born at Abingdon, Berkshire. Illegitimate. He was either the son of a cowherd and a sister of Abbot Thomas Pentecost aka Rowland, or a son of Abbot Thomas Pentecost aka Rowland who played an important role in John's education sending him to All Souls College, Oxford University where he became a Fellow in 1521, was awarded BA on 08 Jul 1521 and MA on 21 Feb 1525.

On 08 Jul 1528 Emmanuel Philibert Duke of Savoy was born to Charles 3rd Duke Savoy (age 41) and Beatrice Aviz Duchess Savoy (age 23) at Chambéry.

On 08 Jul 1545 Carlos Habsburg Spain was born to Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain (age 18) and Maria Aviz (age 17). Coefficient of inbreeding 20.02%.

On or before 08 Jul 1554 William Lodge was born to Thomas Lodge (age 45) and Anne Luddington (age 31).

In or before 08 Jul 1610 Richard Bulkeley was born to Richard Bulkeley and Katherine Needham. On 08 Jul 1610 Richard Bulkeley was baptised at Stockport [Map].

On or before 08 Jul 1610 Admiral Richard Deane was born. He was baptised 08 Jul 1610.

On 08 Jul 1634 Thomas Butler 6th Earl Ossory was born to James Butler 1st Duke Ormonde (age 23) and Elizabeth Preston Duchess Ormonde (age 18) at Kilkenny Castle, Kilkenny, County Kilkenny.

Before 08 Jul 1639 John Vaughan 3rd Earl Carbery was born to Richard Vaughan 2nd Earl Carbery (age 39) and Frances Altham Countess Carbery (age 18).

On 08 Jul 1647 Robert Delaval was born to Ralph Delaval 1st Baronet (age 24) and Anne Leslie Lady Delaval. He was baptised 22 Jul 1647.

On 08 Jul 1647 Frances Teresa Stewart Duchess Lennox and Richmond was born to Walter Stewart (age 61) and Sophia Carew (age 37).

On 08 Jul 1650 Francis Trefusis was born.

On 08 Jul 1653 Elizabeth Knightley was born to Lucius Knightley (age 30) and Elizabeth Dent (age 20).

On 08 Jul 1694 Henriette Albertine Saxe Coburg Saalfeld was born to John Ernest Saxe Coburg Saalfeld IV Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 35) and Charlotte Johanna Waldeck Wildungen Duchess Saxe Coburg Saalfeld at Saalfield.

On or before 08 Jul 1726 John Buckworth 4th Baronet was born to Everard Buckworth 3rd Baronet (age 22) and Mary Dipple.

On 08 Jul 1727 Edward Craggs Eliot 1st Baron Eliot was born to Richard Eliot (age 32) and Harriot Craggs.

On 08 Jul 1740 Justinian Isham 7th Baronet was born to Euseby Isham (age 42) and Elizabeth Panting (age 23).

On 08 Jul 1755 James Blackwood 2nd Baron Dufferin and Claneboye of Ballyleidy and Killyleagh in County Down was born to John Blackwood 2nd Baronet (age 34) and Dorcas Stevenson 1st Baroness Dufferin and Claneboye (age 29).

On 08 Jul 1756 Diana Sackville was born to George Sackville aka Germain 1st Viscount Sackville (age 40) and Diana Sambrooke.

On 08 Jul 1760 Reverend John Clutton was born.

On 08 Jul 1767 Reverend George Lee 6th Baronet was born to William Lee 4th Baronet (age 40) and Elizabeth Harcourt Lady Lee (age 28).

On 08 Jul 1787 Henry Hope Edwardes 9th Baronet was born to Reverend John Thomas Cholmondeley Edwardes 8th Baronet (age 23) and Frances Gask Lady Edwardes (age 22).

On 08 Jul 1798 William Brodrick was born to Archbishop Charles Brodrick (age 37).

On 08 Jul 1802 Catherine Alice Abbott was born to Charles Abbott 1st Baron Tenterden (age 39) and Mary Lamotte.

On 08 Jul 1809 Mary Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck was born to William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck 4th Duke Portland (age 41) and Henrietta Scott Duchess Portland (age 35).

On 08 Jul 1812 Louisa Jane Russell Duchess Abercorn was born to John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 46) and Georgiana Gordon Duchess Bedford (age 30). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 08 Jul 1827 Peter II Grand Duke of Oldenburg was born to Augustus Duke of Oldenburg (age 43).

On 08 Jul 1836 Joseph Chamberlain was born.

On 08 Jul 1837 Edward Fitzclarence was born to George Fitzclarence 1st Earl Munster (age 43) and Mary Wyndham Countess Munster (age 44). She a granddaughter of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 08 Jul 1849 Edward Marjoribanks 2nd Baron Tweedmouth was born to Dudley Marjoribanks 1st Baron Tweedmouth (age 28) and Isabella Hogg.

On 08 Jul 1878 Very Reverend Frederic Athelwold Iremonger was born to William Henry Iremonger (age 33) and Mary Sophia Iremonger.

On 08 Jul 1881 Percy Bryant Baker was born.

On 08 Jul 1883 Angus Valdemar Hambro was born.

On 08 Jul 1893 John Foley Grey 8th Baronet was born to Henry Foley Lambert aka Grey 7th Baronet (age 32).

On 08 Jul 1905 Georgia Doble was born to Arthur Richard Doble Banker (age 33) and Georgie Ethel Hyde (age 31).

On 08 Jul 1905 Kathleen Hamilton Duchess of Abercorn was born to Henry Crichton (age 33) and Mary Cavendish Grosvenor (age 22).

On 08 Jul 1906 Gerard Henry Fleetwood Fuller 2nd Baronet was born to John Michael Fleetwood Fuller 1st Baronet (age 41) and Norah Jacintha Phipps Lady Fuller (age 27).

On 08 Jul 1955 Edward Charles Fitzroy 7th Baron Southampton was born to Charles James Fitzroy 6th Baron Southampton (age 26) and Pamela Anne Henniker Baroness Southampton.

Marriages on the 8th July

Before 08 Jul 1382 Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 12) and Avice Cromwell Baroness Bardolf (age 12) were married. Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk abeyant betwen his two daughters Anne Bardolf Baroness Cobham Sternborough and Joan Bardolf. He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King John "Lackland" of England.

After 08 Jul 1399 William Heron 1st Baron Heron and Elizabeth Boteler (age 13) were married.

Before 08 Jul 1418 Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 25) and Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland (age 21) were married. She by marriage Countess of Northumberland. She the daughter of Ralph Neville 1st Earl of Westmoreland (age 54) and Joan Beaufort Countess of Westmoreland (age 39). They were second cousins. He a great x 2 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 08 Jul 1505 John Stewart 2nd Duke Albany (age 21) and Anne de la Tour Auvergne Duchess Albany (age 9) were married. She the daughter of Jean III Count Auvergne. He the son of Alexander Stewart 1st Duke Albany and Anne de la Tour Auvergne Duchess Albany. They were first cousins. He a great x 4 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 08 Jul 1560 Louis VI Elector Palatine (age 21) and Elizabeth Hesse Electress Palatine (age 21) were married. She the daughter of Landgrave Philip I of Hesse (age 55) and Christine of Saxony.

Before 08 Jul 1574 Edward Littleton of Pillaton Hall (age 26) and Margaret Devereux (age 32) were married.

Before 08 Jul 1585 Morgan Philipps (age 60) and Elizabeth Fletcher were married. The difference in their ages was 25 years; she, unusually, being older than him.

On 08 Jul 1641 Basil Feilding 2nd Earl Denbigh (age 33) and Elizabeth Bourchier Countess Denbigh (age 15) were married three months after the death of his second wife Barbara Lamb. She the daughter of Edward Bourchier 4th Earl Bath and Dorothy St John Countess Bath. He the son of William Feilding 1st Earl Denbigh (age 54) and Susan Villiers Countess Denbigh (age 58).

Before 08 Jul 1647 Walter Stewart (age 61) and Sophia Carew (age 37) were married. The difference in their ages was 24 years. She the daughter of George Carew 1st Earl Totnes.

On or after 08 Jul 1662 Francis Russell 2nd Baronet (age 25) and Anne Litton Lady Russell were married.

On 08 Jul 1673 Francis Howard 5th Baron Howard (age 29) and Philadelphia Pelham Baroness Howard (age 18) were married.

Before 08 Jul 1726 Everard Buckworth 3rd Baronet (age 22) and Mary Dipple were married.

On 08 or 12 Jul 1740 John Wallop Viscount Lymington (age 21) and Catherine Conduit were married. She a great-niece of Isaac Newton. He the son of John Wallop 1st Earl Portsmouth (age 50) and Bridget Bennet Viscountess Lymington.

On 08 Jul 1752 Matthew Fortescue 2nd Baron Fortescue (age 33) and Anne Campbell Baroness Fortescue (age 24) were married. She by marriage Baroness Fortescue of Castle Hill.

On 08 Jul 1752 Frederick V King Denmark and Norway (age 29) and Juliana Maria Welf Queen Consort Denmark and Norway (age 22) were married. She by marriage Queen Consort Denmark and Norway. He the son of Christian VI King Denmark and Norway.

On 08 Jul 1766 Henry Hoghton 6th Baronet (age 37) and Fanny Booth Lady Hoghton were married. She by marriage Lady Hoghton of Hoghton Tower in Lancashire.

On 08 Jul 1776 Christopher Willoughby 1st Baronet (age 27) and Juliana Burvill (age 21) were married.

On 08 Jul 1789 FitzWilliam Barrington 10th Baronet (age 34) and Edith Mary Marshall were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

On 08 Jul 1800 George Canning Prime Mininster (age 30) and Joan Scott Viscountess Canning (age 24) were married.

On 08 Jul 1806 Charles William Wentworth-Fitzwilliam and Anne Dundas were married. He the son of Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam 5th and 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam (age 20) and Mary Dundas (age 19). They were first cousins.

On 08 Jul 1811 Cornwallis Maude 3rd Viscount Hawarden (age 31) and Jane Crawfurd Bruce were married. She by marriage Viscountess Hawarden.

On 08 Jul 1811 Charles Manners-Sutton 1st Viscount Canterbury (age 31) and Lucy Maria Denison were married. He the son of Archbishop Charles Manners-Sutton (age 56) and Mary Thoroton.

On 08 Jul 1815 George Hamilton-Gordon 4th Earl Aberdeen (age 31) and Harriet Douglas Countess Aberdeen (age 23) were married. She by marriage Countess Aberdeen.

On 08 Jul 1819 James Graham 2nd Baronet (age 27) and Frances "Fanny" Callander Lady Graham (age 26) were married.

On 08 Jul 1834 Lieutentnant-Colonel John Horace Thomas Stapleton (age 35) and Charlotte Georgiana Ponsonby were married. He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 08 Jul 1869 Joseph Hardcastle (age 53) and Mary Scarlett Campbell (age 42) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

Before 08 Jul 1878 William Henry Iremonger (age 33) and Mary Sophia Iremonger were married.

On 08 Jul 1890 Walter Shirley 11th Earl Ferrers (age 26) and Mary Jane Moon Countess Ferrers were married.

On 08 Jul 1919 Oliver Hugh Stanley (age 39) and Alice Kathleen Violet Thynne (age 28) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Henry Thynne 5th Marquess of Bath (age 56) and Violet Caroline Mordaunt Marchioness Bath (age 50).

Deaths on the 8th July

On 08 Jul 810 Carloman "Pippin" King Lombardy (age 37) died.

On 08 Jul 975 King Edgar "Peaceful" I of England (age 32) died at Winchester, Hampshire [Map]. He was buried in Glastonbury Abbey [Map]. His son King Edward "Martyr" I of England (age 13) succeeded I King England.

Before 08 Jul 1214 Roger Mortimer (age 62) died. He was buried at Wigmore Abbey [Map].

On 08 Jul 1253 Theobald IV King Navarre (age 52) died. His son Theobald "Young" II King Navarre (age 13) succeeded V Count Champagne, II King Navarre.

On 08 Jul 1399 Elizabeth Saye 5th Baroness Say (age 32) died. Baron Say extinct.

On 08 Jul 1422 Michelle Valois Duchess Burgundy (age 27) died.

On 08 Jul 1425 Elizabeth Fitzalan Duchess Norfolk (age 59) died at Wighill. She was buried at St Michael's Church, Hoveringham. Her son John Mowbray 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 33) inherited her estates including Framlingham Castle, Suffolk [Map].

On or before 08 Jul 1453 Joan Dacre Baroness Clifford died.

After 08 Jul 1484 Robert Ros (age 54) died.

Around Apr 1486 the Stafford and Lovell Rebellion was an armed uprising against King Henry VII of England and Ireland (age 29). With the failure of the plot Francis Lovell 1st Viscount Lovell (age 30) fled to Margaret of York Duchess of Burgundy (age 39) in Flanders.

On 08 Jul 1486 brothers Humphrey Stafford (age 60) and Thomas Stafford was executed at Tyburn [Map].

On 08 Jul 1495 John Stewart 1st Earl Lennox (age 65) died. His son Matthew Stewart 2nd Earl Lennox succeeded 2nd Earl Lennox.

On 08 Jul 1495 John Hankyn Mainwaring (age 50) died.

On 08 Jul 1527 Edward Echingham (age 52) died.

On 08 Jul 1528 William Waldegrave (age 45) died.

On 08 Jul 1528 George Waldegrave (age 45) died at Bures, Suffolk [Map].

On 08 Jul 1534 Theodor Wittelsbach (age 8) died.

On 08 Jul 1561 Elizabeth Mordaunt (age 41) died.

On 08 Jul 1561 Winifred Mordaunt (age 41) died.

On 08 Jul 1585 Morgan Philipps (age 60) died.

On 08 Jul 1600 John Vernon died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Sudbury [Map].

After 08 Jul 1615 Jane Bathe died.

On 08 Jul 1644 Charles Dymoke (age 31) died.

On 08 Jul 1663 Frances Cholmondeley (age 61) died.

On 08 Jul 1664 Mary Cogan died in childbirth at Carlisle Castle [Map] where her husband Christopher Musgrave 4th Baronet (age 32) was Governor. She was buried at St Cuthbert's Church, Edenhall [Map].

Between 08 Jul 1680 and 31 Oct 1691 Edmund Parker (age 61) died.

On 08 Jul 1695 Christian Huygens (age 66) died.

On 08 Jul 1702 Anchitell Grey (age 78) died at Risley Hall [Map].

On 08 Jul 1713 frances bennett countess of salisbury 1670 1713 (age 42) died.

On 08 Jul 1716 Robert South (age 81) died.

On 08 Jul 1721 Elihu Yale (age 72) died.

Before 08 Jul 1725 Charles Killigrew (age 69) died.

On 08 Jul 1730 George Rochfort (age 48) died.

On 08 Jul 1753 Cecilia Stede died. She was buried on 14 Jul 1753 at East Ham.

On 08 Jul 1758 Ferdinand August Heinrich Saxe Coburg Gotha (age 2) died at Coburg.

On 08 Jul 1767 William Twysden 6th Baronet (age 37) died. His son William Jervis Twysden 7th Baronet (age 7) succeeded 7th Baronet Twysden of Roydon in Kent.

On 08 Jul 1767 Henry Poole 3rd Baronet died. His brother Ferdinando Poole 4th Baronet succeeded 4th Baronet Poole of Poole in Cheshire.

On 08 Jul 1803 Frederick Augustus Hervey 4th Earl Bristol (age 72) died in Lazio. His son Frederick William Hervey 1st Marquess of Bristol (age 33) succeeded 5th Earl Bristol.

On 08 Jul 1805 Daniel Gardner (age 55) died.

On 08 Jul 1815 Catherine Henrietta Boyle (age 47) died. Her brother Henry Boyle 3rd Earl Shannon (age 43) succeeded 3rd Earl Shannon.

On 08 Jul 1817 George Ponsonby (age 62) died.

On 08 Jul 1822 Percy Bysshe Shelley drowned. He was returning on the Don Juan with Edward Williams from a meeting at Livorno with Leigh Hunt and Byron to make arrangements for a new journal, The Liberal. The boat was sunk is a storm. Shelley's badly decomposed body washed ashore at Viareggio ten days later and was identified by Trelawny from the clothing and a copy of Keats's Lamia in a jacket pocket. On 16 Aug 1822 his body was cremated on a beach near Viareggio and the ashes were buried in the Protestant Cemetery of Rome. The cremation was attended by George "Lord Byron" 6th Baron Byron (age 34). His wife Mary Godwin aka Shelley (age 24) did not attend.

On 08 Jul 1823 Henry Raeburn (age 67) died.

On 08 Jul 1826 Thomas Grey (age 15) died.

On 08 Jul 1828 Karoline Luise Friederike Nassau Weilburg (age 58) died.

On 08 Jul 1829 Henry Fitzgerald (age 67) died.

On 08 Jul 1831 William Wentworth Brabazon Ponsonby (age 18) died.

On 08 Jul 1839 Charlotte Sophia Eliot (age 37) died.

On 08 Jul 1841 Thomas Peregrine Courtenay (age 59) drowned at Torquay, Devon.

On 08 Jul 1850 Adolphus Hanover 1st Duke Cambridge (age 76) died. His son Prince George Hanover 2nd Duke Cambridge (age 31) succeeded 2nd Duke Cambridge.

On 08 Jul 1853 Charlotte Cadogan Marchioness Anglesey (age 71) died.

On 08 Jul 1859 Oscar I King Sweden and Norway (age 60) died.

On 08 Jul 1859 William Frederick Pitt-Rivers (age 13) died.

On 08 Jul 1861 Charles Bernard Talbot Fitzalan Howard (age 9) died.

On 08 Jul 1863 Catherine Yorke Countess Caledon (age 77) died.

On 08 Jul 1868 George Henry Fitzroy (age 41) died.

On 08 Jul 1871 Lucy Henrietta Strickland (age 49) died.

On 08 Jul 1873 Franz Xaver Winterhalter (age 68) died.

On 08 Jul 1886 Mary Legge (age 90) died.

On 08 Jul 1893 Anne Sophia Ryder Lady Grey (age 88) died.

On 08 Jul 1895 Caroline Beresford (age 77) died at Shipston-on-Stour [Map].

On 08 Jul 1897 George Samuel Brooke-Pechell 5th Baronet (age 78) died. His son Samuel George Brooke-Pechell 6th Baronet (age 44) succeeded 6th Baronet Brooke-Pechell of Paglesham in Essex.

On 08 Jul 1918 Clare Emily Hervey-Bathurst (age 63) died.

On 08 Jul 1924 Paul Albert Steck (age 58) died.

On 08 Jul 1926 Henry William Beresford 3rd Baronet (age 75) died.

On 08 Jul 1927 Charles Hay 20th Earl of Erroll (age 75) died. His son Victor Hay 21st Earl of Erroll (age 50) succeeded 21st Earl Erroll.

On 08 Jul 1928 Robert Grimston (age 68) died.

On 08 Jul 1939 Frances Elizabeth Sarah Eveleigh-de-Moleyns Marchioness Conyngham died.

On 08 Jul 1955 Maurice Roche 4th Baron Fermoy (age 70) died.

On 08 Jul 1957 Constance Grosvenor Countess of Shaftesbury (age 81) died.

On 08 Jul 2005 Anne Bridget Domenica Herbert (age 91) died.