On this Day in History ... 21st May

21 May is in May.

1420 Treaty of Troyes

1424 Coronation of James I of Scotland

1470 Death of King Henry VI

1650 Battle of Carbisdale

1662 Marriage of Charles II and Catherine of Braganza

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 21st May

On 21 May 987 Louis "Do Nothing" V King West Francia (age 20) died without issue ending the Carolingian Dynasty. Hugh I King France (age 46) was elected King West Francia beginning the Capetian Dynasty.

On 21 May 996 Otto III King Italy III King Germany III Holy Roman Emperor (age 15) succeeded III Holy Roman Emperor.

On 21 May 1254 Conrad Hohenstaufen King Germany (age 26) died.

On 21 May 1420 the Treaty of Troyes was signed at Troyes. Thomas Beaufort 1st Duke Exeter (age 43) and Ralph Cromwell 3rd Baron Cromwell (age 17) negotiated the terms which included the marriage of Henry V (age 33) and Catherine of Valois (age 18), daughter of Charles VI (age 51), and the acknowledgement of King Henry V of England (age 33) as Charles V's (age 51) heir disinheriting the Dauphin (age 17).

On 21 May 1424 King James I of Scotland (age 29) was crowned I King Scotland at Scone Abbey [Map]. Joan Beaufort Queen Consort Scotland (age 20) was crowned Queen Consort Scotland.

Alexander Lindsay 2nd Earl Crawford and William Crichton 1st Lord Crichton were knighted.

Warkworth's Chronicle 1471. 21 May 1470. And the same nyghte that Kynge Edwarde came to Londone, Kynge Herry, beynge inwarde in presone in the Toure of Londone, was putt to dethe1, the xxj. day of Maij, on a tywesday nyght, betwyx xj. and xij. of the cloke, beynge thenne at the Toure the Duke of Gloucetre, brothere to Kynge Edwarde, and many other; and one the morwe he was chestyde and brought to Paulys, and his face was opyne that every manne mighte see him; and in hys lyinge he bledde one the pament ther; and afterward at the Blake Fryres was broughte, and ther he blede new and fresche; and from thens he was caryed to Chyrchesey abbey in a bote2, and buryed there in oure Lady chapelle. On the morwe that the Kynge was come to Londone, for the goode servyse that Londone hade done to hym, he made knyghtes of the Aldermenne3, Sere Jhon Stokstone, Sire Rauf Verney, Sere Richard Lee, Sere Jhon Yonge, Sere William Tayliour, Sere George Irlande, Sere Jhon Stokere, Sere Mathew Philyppe, Sere William Hamptone, Sere Thomas Stalbroke, Sere Jhon Crosby, Sere Thomas Urswike, Recordere of Londone.

Note 1. Was putt to dethe. "He dyid put to silence in the Tour of London, the xxj. day of May, aº. 1471, buryid first at Chertesey and after at Wyndesore." - Rot. Lansd. Mus. Brit. 6. In the old ballad of the "Wandering Jew's Chronicle" this event is thus versified:

"I saw the white and red rose fight,

"And Warwick gret in armour bright,

"In the Sixth Henries reign;

"And present was that very hour,

"When Henry was in London Tower,

"By Crookt-backt Richard slain.”

But this subject has been so much before the reader that I refrain from adding more. I give, however, a few references, from my miscellaneous notes, which may assist any future inquirer who desires to investigate more at length into various matters connected with the popular opinion of Henry VI. after his death, his burial places, & c.: Widmore's History of Westminster Abbey, pp. 118-120; Ashmole's History of the Order of the Garter, p. 136; MS. Cotton. Cleop. E. III; Monast. I. 277; British Topographer, II. 112, n; Gent. Mag. LVI.; MS. Cole Collect. XLII. 378; ib. XIII; Hormanni Vulgaria, Lond. 1519, fol. 3, rº; Barrington on the Statutes, p. 253; Parker Antig. Brit. Eccl. 229, edit. Drake, p. 447; Fuller's Church History, IV. 153; Wilkins's Concil. IV. 635; Spelman, II. 720; Walpole's Fugitive Pieces; MS. Sloan. 1441.

Note 2. Caryed to Chyrchesey Abbey in a bote. Henry's body was protected by soldiers from Calais, and, rather singularly, for the possession of that city had been a hard point of contention between the rival parties. The extreme anxiety of Queen Margaret to possess it, may be seen from a very curious document now preserved in the Royal Archives of France, and the title of which is given in MS. Addit. Mus. Brit. 9346, fol. 116, rº.

In the Issue Rolls of the Exchequer, we find money paid to Hugh Brice on the 24th of June for the expenses of Henry's funeral, for conveying his body from the Tower to St. Paul's, and from thence to Chertsey. From these and several other statements of expences in the same rolls, it fully appears that every respect was paid to the corpse; but Mr. Devon has attempted to draw from this an argument for the natural death of the King, not taking into consideration that the very fact of much attention having been paid to his funeral obsequies would render it more than probable that it was done to conceal the appearance of any hostile feeling: had Henry died a natural death, it appears to me that the haste of Edward's departure into Kent, and the length of time necessarily elapsing before he could have become acquainted with the news, would have almost rendered any definite orders for his funeral next to impossible. Many writers have committed the error of affirming that Henry was buried without honours. - Camden's Britannia, edit. Gough, I. 167.

Note 3. The names of these aldermen are given by Stowe, Edit. 1755, Survey of London, II. 222.

On 21 May 1471 Henry VI (age 49) died (possibly murdered) in the Wakefield Tower in the Tower of London [Map].

Memoirs of Philip de Commines Book 3 Chapter VII. 21 May 1471. I had almost forgotten to acquaint you that King Edward, finding King Henry in London, took him along with him to the fight. This King Henry was a very ignorant prince and almost an idiot; and (if what was told me be true) after the battle was over, the Duke of Gloucester (who was King Edward's brother, and afterwards called King Richard) slew this poor King Henry with his own hand, or caused him to be carried into some private place, and stood by while he was killed.1

Note 1. King Henry VI., says Hume, " exipired in the Tower a few days after the battle of Tewkesbury, but whether he died a natural or violent death is uncertain. It is pretended, and was generally believed, that the Duke of Gloucester killed him with his own hands; but the universal odium which that prince has incurred, inclined perhaps the nation to aggravate his crimes, without any sufficient authority. It is certain, however, that Henry's death was sudden; and, though he laboured under an ill state of health, this circumstance, joined to the general manners of the age, gave a natural ground of suspicion, which was rather increased than diminished by the exposing of his body to public view."

A Brief Latin Chronicle. 21 May 1471. Immediately after this battle, more than forty knights were created; and Henry (age 49), the former king, was returned to the Tower of London, and dying there happily on the Eve of the Ascension of the Lord, was transported by boat along the Thames to the abbey of Chertsey [Map], where he was buried."

Creati sunt statim post istud bellum plures quam xl milities; et Henricus nuper Rex reponitur in Turim London., et in Vigilia Ascensionis Dominice, ibidem feliciter moriens, per Tamisiam navicula usque ad abbahiam de Cheltesye deductus, ibi sepultus est.

On 21 May 1481 Christian I King Denmark (age 55) died. His son John King Denmark Norway and Sweden (age 26) succeeded King Denmark. Christina Queen Consort Denmark Norway and Sweden (age 19) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark.

On 21 May 1527 Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain was born to Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 27) and Isabel Aviz Queen Consort Spain (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.98%.

On 21 May 1545 Robert Townshend was knighted by Henry VIII (age 53) at Hampton Court Palace, Richmond [Map].

On 21 May 1650 James Graham 1st Marquess Montrose (age 37) was hanged at Edinburgh [Map] following his capture at the Battle of Carbisdale. His body was dismembered following his death. His son James Graham 2nd Marquess Montrose (age 19) succeeded 2nd Marquess Montrose.

On 21 May 1683 Bowater Vernon was born to William Vernon of Caldewell (age 30).

Evelyn's Diary. 21 May 1685. I din'd at my Lord Privy Seale's with Sr Wm Dugdale (age 79), Garter King at Armes, author of the Monasticon and other learned workes: he told me he was 82 yeares of age, and had his sight and memory perfect. There was shewn a draught of ye exact shape and dimensions of the Crowne the Queene (age 26) had been crown'd withall, together with the Jewells and pearles; their weight and value, wch amounted to £100,658 sterling, attested at the foote of the paper by the jeweller and goldsmith who sett them.

Minutes of the Society of Antiquaries. 21 May 1718. Mr Alexander gave an account of an Ancient Gold Ring found at Bridewell [Map] in digging under a foundation tis a quarter of an inch broad enamelled.

Mr President (age 57) produced an old Parliament deed dated about MCCXX [1220] sealed with the seal of the Abby of Tame, whose Abbot is an Arbitrator in a Cause between the Abbot of St Nicholas of Biddlesden [Map] and the Abbot of Oseney where he observes tis the only instance of Cistercian Order (Great Admirers of the Virgin Mary) of which the Abbot of Biddlesden was being dedicate to any other Saints.

21 May 1724. Drawing by William Stukeley (age 36) of the Longstones Cove aka Devil's Quoits [Map] before their destruction. The drawings shows that "Adam", the larger stone, was part of the cove, whereas Eve was part of the Avenue. The attached drawing sourced from Avebury Web.

On 21 May 1788 Catherine Pavlovna of Russia was born to Paul Emperor of Russia (age 33) and Empress Sophie Dorothea of Russia (age 28). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 21 May 1801 Princess Sophie of Sweden was born to King Gustav IV of Sweden (age 22). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 21 May 1825 Rachel Howard (age 9) died. She was buried at St Lawrence's Church, Denton.

Rachel Howard: On 11 Oct 1815 she was born to John Howard and Elizabeth m Howard.

On 21 May 1838 Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet (age 69) died. He was buried at St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map]. His son Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 4th Baronet Copley Sprotborough. Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley (age 27) by marriage Lady Copley Sprotborough.

Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet: On 10 May 1769 he was born to Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet and Mary Buller Lady Copley. On 04 Mar 1792 John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn were married. She by marriage Marchioness Abercorn. They were divorced in Apr 1799. She married the Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet the following month; he being the brother of the Marquess' first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn. They were first cousins. On 09 Aug 1832 Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn were married. She by marriage Lady Copley Sprotborough. He was the younger brother of her first husband's [John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn] first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn.

Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet: On 26 Jul 1804 he was born to Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn. On 19 Nov 1831 Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet and Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley were married. She the daughter of Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough. He the son of Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn. On 04 Jan 1883 Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet died without issue. Baronet Copley Sprotborough extinct. He was buried at Brompton Cemetery, Kensington.

Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley: On 21 Oct 1810 she was born to Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough. On 10 Aug 1875 Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Brocklesby.

Thomas Bateman 1845. On the 21st of May, 1845, was opened a barrow called Carder Lowe [Map], near Hartington, which is about fourteen yards in diameter, and, owing to the former removal of its summit, is not more than two feet in average elevation. In the process of excavation about eighty quartz pebbles and several instruments of flint were found, amongst the latter a very neatly-formed barbed arrow-head. These articles were possibly cast into the mound during its construction by mourners and friends of the deceased, as tokens of respect. In addition to these were a few pieces of a coarse urn, curiously ornamented.

About the centre was found the skeleton of the chiefs over whom the barrow had been at first raised. He lay upon the right side, with the head towards the east, and the legs contracted very slightly; at his elbow lay a splendid brass or bronze dagger, in a good state of preservation. It has three large rivets remaining, which had securely attached the handle, which was still easily traceable by the wood of which it had been composed having decayed into a black mould, which contrasted strongly with the light-coloured, clayey soil in which the body was imbedded. A few inches lower down was placed a beautiful axe- or hammer-head of light-coloured basalt of much smaller size than usual, and which was originally nicely polished. Close to the head was found a small piece of calcined flint, of no apparent design or form. The skeleton was surrounded with rats' bones, the undoubted remains of those four-footed cannibals who had preyed upon the body, and had endeavoured to devour the bones of this ancient British chief, many of the latter were half-eaten away. Rather nearer to the south side of the barrow, and on a higher level, another interment was discovered, which consisted of a skeleton of mighty size, the femur or thigh-bone measuring twenty-three inches in length, which would give a height to the owner, when alive, of six feet, eight or ten inches. Along with this lengthy individual, an iron knife and three hones of sandstone were deposited; also a few pieces of calcined bone. This was evidently a secondary interment, of later date than the one previously described, which was undoubtedly the original one.

Note. The bronze dagger on display at Weston Park Museum, Sheffield.

On 21 May 1915 Lieutenant Arthur George Coke (age 33) was killed in action whilst serving with the Royal Naval Air Service. He is commemorated on the Helles Memorial at Gallipoli. Memorial at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Lieutenant Arthur George Coke: On 06 Apr 1882 he was born to Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester and Alice Emily White Countess Leicester.

On 21 May 1916 Simon Richard Richmond Newburn (age 31) was killed in action. He has a memorial at St John Lee Church, Hexham [Map] sculpted by Thomas John Clapperton (age 36).

Simon Richard Richmond Newburn: On 09 Sep 1884 he was born. After 21 May 1916. St John Lee Church, Hexham. Monument to Simon Richard Richmond Newburn sculpted by Thomas John Clapperton.

After 21 May 1916. St John Lee Church, Hexham [Map]. Monument to Simon Richard Richmond Newburn (deceased) sculpted by Thomas John Clapperton (age 36).

On 21 May 1928 George Frampton (age 67) died.

On 21 May 2000 Arthur John Gielgud (age 96) died.

Births on the 21st May

On 21 May 1348 Margaret Trussell was born to William Trussell (age 40) and Ida Boteler (age 33).

On 21 May 1352 Philip Darcy 4th Baron Darcy of Knayth was born to John Darcy 2nd Baron Darcy of Knayth (age 35) and Elizabeth Meinhill Baroness Darcy Knayth and Haversham (age 20).

On 21 May 1527 Philip "The Prudent" II King Spain was born to Charles V Holy Roman Emperor (age 27) and Isabel Aviz Queen Consort Spain (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 10.98%.

On 21 May 1559 Edmund Quincy was born to John Quincy (age 31) in Wigsthorpe, Northamptonshire.

On 21 May 1581 Robert More was born to George More (age 27) and Anne Poynings.

On 21 May 1586 Henry Bedingfield was born to Thomas Bedingfield of Oxburgh (age 19).

On 21 May 1589 Henry Skipwith 1st Baronet was born to William Skipwith (age 25) and Margaret Cave (age 22).

On 21 May 1589 Philippe Louis de Lorraine was born to Philippe Emmanuel Duke of Mercœur (age 30) and Marie de Luxembourg (age 27).

On 21 May 1653 Eleonora Maria Habsburg Spain was born to Ferdinand King Bohemia III Holy Roman Emperor (age 44) and Eleonora Gonzaga Queen Consort Bohemia (age 23). Coefficient of inbreeding 2.47%.

On 21 May 1653 Christopher Vane 1st Baron Barnard was born to Henry Vane "The Younger" (age 40) and Frances Wray (age 36).

On or before 21 May 1672 Philip Meadowes was born to Philip Meadowes. He was baptised on 21 May 1672.

On 21 May 1683 Bowater Vernon was born to William Vernon of Caldewell (age 30).

On 21 May 1685 Anne Murray was born to John Murray 1st Duke Atholl (age 25) and Catherine Hamilton Duchess Atholl (age 23).

On 21 May 1688 Alexander Pope was born.

On 21 May 1718 George Henry Lee 3rd Earl Lichfield was born to George Henry Lee 2nd Earl Lichfield (age 28) and Frances Hales Countess Lichfield (age 21) at Windsor Castle [Map]. He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 21 May 1721 Charles Trevor Roper was born to Henry Roper 8th Baron Teynham (age 45) and Anne Lennard 16th Baroness Dacre of Gilsland Baroness Teynham (age 36). He a great grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 21 May 1729 Juliana Fermor was born to Thomas Fermor 1st Earl Pomfret (age 31) and Henriette Louise Jeffreys Countess Pomfret (age 30).

On 21 May 1744 Richard Aubrey was born to Thomas Aubrey 5th Baronet (age 36) and Martha Carter Lady Aubrey.

On 21 May 1749 Martin ffolkes 1st Baronet was born to William ffolkes1700-1773 (age 48) and Mary Browne (age 31).

On 21 May 1755 Peregrine Thomas Bertie was born to Peregrine Bertie 3rd Duke Ancaster and Kesteven (age 41) and Mary Panton Duchess Ancaster and Kesteven.

On 21 May 1758 Edward Smythe 5th Baronet was born to Edward Smythe 4th Baronet (age 39) and Mary Clifford Lady Smythe (age 27).

On 21 May 1760 Phillis Storey was born.

On 21 May 1762 James Lloyd 1st Baronet was born.

On 21 May 1769 Mary Scott was born to Henry Scott 3rd Duke Buccleuch (age 22) and Elizabeth Montagu Duchess Buccleuch (age 25).

On 21 May 1772 John Singleton Copley 1st Baron Lyndhurst was born to John Singleton Copley (age 33).

On 21 May 1775 Lucien Bonaparte Prince Français was born to Charles-Marie Bonaparte (age 29).

On 21 May 1776 Reverend George de la Poer Beresford was born to Archbishop William Beresford 1st Baron Decies (age 33) and Elizabeth Fitzgibbon (age 40).

On 21 May 1784 Richard Godin Simeon 2nd Baronet was born to John Simeon 1st Baronet (age 28) and Rebecca Cornwall.

On 21 May 1788 Catherine Pavlovna of Russia was born to Paul Emperor of Russia (age 33) and Empress Sophie Dorothea of Russia (age 28). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King George I of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 21 May 1788 Matthew Barrington 2nd Baronet was born.

On 21 May 1794 Robert Berkeley was born to Robert Berkeley.

On 21 May 1801 Princess Sophie of Sweden was born to King Gustav IV of Sweden (age 22). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 21 May 1820 Robert Dennett Rodney 6th Baron Rodney was born to Captain Robert Rodney (age 34).

On 21 May 1855 Charlotte Frances Shelley was born to Frederick Shelley 8th Baronet (age 46).

On 21 May 1860 Susan Elizabeth Lascelles was born to Henry Thynne Lascelles 4th Earl Harewood (age 35) and Diana Smyth Countess Harewood (age 22).

On 21 May 1889 Leopold Mountbatten was born to Henry Mountbatten (age 30) and Princess Beatrice (age 32). He a grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 21 May 1893 Charles Portal was born at Eddington House, Hungerford.

On 21 May 1893 Hilda Beatrice Hoare was born.

On 21 May 1907 James Joicey was born to James Arthur Joicey 2nd Baron Joicey (age 27).

On 21 May 1923 Jeremy Charles Wilson was born to Guy Greville Wilson (age 46) and Avery Buxton.

On 21 May 1947 John Francis Baring 3rd Baronet was born to Raymond Alexander Baring (age 34).

On 21 May 1955 Charles St John Colthurst 10th Baronet was born to Richard La Touche Colthurst 9th Baronet (age 26).

Marriages on the 21st May

Before 21 May 1348 William Trussell (age 40) and Ida Boteler (age 33) were married. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

Before 21 May 1524 Henry Radclyffe 2nd Earl of Sussex (age 17) and Elizabeth Howard (age 18) were married. She the daughter of Thomas Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk (age 81) and Agnes Tilney Duchess Norfolk (age 47). He the son of Robert Radclyffe 1st Earl of Sussex (age 41) and Elizabeth Stafford Countess Sussex (age 45). He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 21 May 1545 Henry Carey 1st Baron Hunsdon (age 19) and Anne Morgan Baroness Hunsdon (age 16) were married. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England.

On 21 May 1554 Henry Lee of Ditchley (age 21) and Anne Paget were married.

On 21 May 1582 Edward Hoby (age 22) and Margaret Carey were married.

On 21 May 1585 Patrick Gray 6th Lord Gray (age 20) and Elizabeth Lyon (age 23) were divorced citing his adultery.

Before 21 May 1589 William Skipwith (age 25) and Margaret Cave (age 22) were married. They had four sons and four daughters.

On 21 May 1688 Thomas Pelham 1st Baron Pelham of Laughton (age 35) and Grace Holles Baroness Pelham were married. She the daughter of Gilbert Holles 3rd Earl de Clare (age 55) and Grace Pierrepont Countess de Clare (age 55).

Before 21 May 1710 Thomas Thynne and Mary Villiers Baroness Lansdowne were married. She the daughter of Edward Villiers 1st Earl Jersey (age 54) and Barbara Chiffinch Countess Jersey (age 47).

On 21 May 1717 John Shelley 4th Baronet (age 25) and Catherine Scawen Lady Shelley were married. She by marriage Lady Shelley of Mitchelgrove in Sussex.

Before 21 May 1718 George Henry Lee 2nd Earl Lichfield (age 28) and Frances Hales Countess Lichfield (age 21) were married. He the son of Edward Lee 1st Earl Lichfield and Charlotte Fitzroy Countess Lichfield. He a grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 21 May 1730 Robert Grosvenor 6th Baronet (age 35) and Jane Warre Lady Grosvenor were married.

On 21 May 1741 Fletcher Norton 1st Baron Grantley (age 24) and Grace Chapple Baroness Grantley were married.

On 21 May 1744 James Hamilton 2nd Earl Clanbrassil (age 13) and Grace Foley Countess Clanbrassil (age 1) were married at St Peter aka Oxford Chapel Vere Street Marylebone [Map]. He the son of James Hamilton 1st Earl Clanbrassil (age 49) and Harriet Bentinck Countess Clanbrassil (age 38).

Before 21 May 1758 Edward Smythe 4th Baronet (age 39) and Mary Clifford Lady Smythe (age 27) were married. They were half second cousins.

On 21 May 1768 William Heathcote 3rd Baronet (age 21) and Frances Thorpe Lady Heathcote (age 26) were married.

On 21 May 1775 Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton (age 24) and Frances Seymour-Conway were married. She the daughter of Francis Seymour-Conway 1st Marquess Hertford (age 56) and Isabella Fitzroy Countess Hertford (age 48). He the son of Henry Fiennes Pelham-Clinton 2nd Duke Newcastle-under-Lyme (age 55) and Catherine Pelham Duchess Newcastle under Lyne. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 21 May 1781 George Thicknesse 19th Baron Audley (age 24) and Elizabeth Delaval Baroness Audley (age 24) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square. She by marriage Baroness Audley of Heighley in Staffordshire.

On 21 May 1788 Henry Francis Roper-Curzon 14th Baronet (age 21) and Bridget Hawkins Baroness Teynham were married. She by marriage Baroness Teynham of Teynham in Kent.

On 21 May 1818 John "Mad Jack" Mytton (age 21) and Harriet Emma Tyrwhitt-Jones (age 28) were married at St George's Church, Hanover Square.

On 21 May 1835 Walter Calverley Trevelyan 6th Baronet (age 38) and Paulina Jermyn Lady Trevelyan (age 19) were married.

On 21 May 1850 Clinton George Augustus Dawkins (age 41) and Marianne Jane Robarts were married.

On 21 May 1889 Edmund Royds of Stubton Hall (age 28) and Rachel Louisa Fane (age 20) were married by the groom's father Reverend Francis Coulman Royds (age 63) assisted by the Rev. Vere Francis Willson at St Nicholas' Church, Fulbeck.

Deaths on the 21st May

On 21 May 987 Louis "Do Nothing" V King West Francia (age 20) died without issue ending the Carolingian Dynasty. Hugh I King France (age 46) was elected King West Francia beginning the Capetian Dynasty.

On 21 May 1108 Archbishop Gerard died.

On 21 May 1226 Aimery Thouars VII Viscount Thouars (age 74) died. His son Guy Thouars I Viscount Thouars succeeded I Viscount Thouars.

On 21 May 1254 Conrad Hohenstaufen King Germany (age 26) died.

On 21 May 1259 Bishop Fulk Basset (age 70) died.

On 21 May 1291 Hugh Lovel (age 39) died at Castle Cary, Somerset.

On 21 May 1361 Margery Lisle (age 45) died.

On 21 May 1393 Robert Grey 1st Baron Fitzpayn (age 72) died. Baron Fitzpayn extinct.

On 21 May 1469 Catherine Bourbon Duchess Guelders (age 29) died.

On 21 May 1471 Henry VI (age 49) died (possibly murdered) in the Wakefield Tower in the Tower of London [Map].

On 21 May 1481 Christian I King Denmark (age 55) died. His son John King Denmark Norway and Sweden (age 26) succeeded King Denmark. Christina Queen Consort Denmark Norway and Sweden (age 19) by marriage Queen Consort Denmark.

On 21 May 1494 William Stonor (age 44) died in Stonor, Oxfordshire.

On 21 May 1508 Giles Daubeney 1st Baron Daubeney (age 56) died. His son Henry Daubeney 1st Earl Bridgewater (age 14) succeeded 2nd Baron Daubeney. Catherine Howard Countess Bridgewater (age 9) by marriage Baroness Daubeney.

After 21 May 1527 Margaret Preston Baroness Killeen died.

On 21 May 1558 Bishop William Glynne (age 54) died.

On 21 May 1558 Alice Walsingham (age 41) died.

On 21 May 1577 Robert Drury (age 74) died.

On 21 May 1579 Elizabeth Gresham (age 41) died.

On 21 May 1580 John Thynne (age 65) died. He was buried at Saints Peter and Paul Church, Longbridge Deverill [Map].

On 21 May 1593 Matthew Campbell of Loudon (age 62) died.

On 21 May 1598 Mary Bassett (age 75) died. She was buried the same day at Roborough, Devon.

On 21 May 1613 John Maxwell 9th Lord Maxwell (age 30) was beheaded at Edinburgh [Map] for the murder of the Laird of Johnstone. Lord Maxwell forfeit.

On 21 May 1615 Thomas Cornwall 11th Baron Burford (age 76) died at Burford, Shropshire [Map]. His son Thomas Cornwall 12th Baron Burford (age 42) succeeded 12th Baron Burford.

On 21 May 1618 William Vincent died. See Memoir of Augustine Vincent, Windsor Herald by Nicolas, Nicholas Harris, Sir, 1799-1848 Page 9.

On 17 Apr 1627 John Evelyn of Godstone (age 72) died at West Dean, Wiltshire. On 21 May 1627 he was buried in the Chancel of St Mary's Church, West Dean.

On 21 May 1649 Mary Croke (age 39) died.

On 21 May 1650 James Graham 1st Marquess Montrose (age 37) was hanged at Edinburgh [Map] following his capture at the Battle of Carbisdale. His body was dismembered following his death. His son James Graham 2nd Marquess Montrose (age 19) succeeded 2nd Marquess Montrose.

On 21 May 1672 Reverend John Pitt (age 62) died.

On 21 May 1703 William Bedingfield (age 35) died.

On 21 May 1705 Robert Shafto Of Whitworth (age 71) died.

On 21 May 1710 Walter Long 2nd Baronet (age 83) died unmarried at James Street Covent Garden. Baronet Long of Whaddon in Wiltshire extinct. His great-nephew Philip Parker 3rd Baronet (age 28) inherited his estates and changed his name to Morley-Long.

On 21 May 1722 Charles Bennet 1st Earl Tankerville (age 48) died. His son Charles Bennet 2nd Earl Tankerville (age 24) succeeded 2nd Earl Tankerville, 3rd Baron Ossulston of Ossulston in Middlesex. Camilla Colville Countess Tankerville (age 25) by marriage Countess Tankerville.

On 21 May 1725 Anne Holman Countess Stafford died.

On 21 May 1727 Robert Pitt (age 47) died.

In 1734 Thomas Lamplugh (age 77) died. He was buried on 21 May 1737.

On 21 May 1734 Philippine Élisabeth Bourbon (age 19) died.

In 21 May 1756 Elizabeth Crew Countess Arran (age 77) died.

Around 21 May 1759 Frances Finch died.

On 21 May 1780 Thomas Townshend (age 78) died.

On 21 May 1788 Reverend William Goodday (age 79) died. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Strelley [Map].

On 21 May 1810 Chevalier d'Éon (age 81) died.

On 21 May 1813 John Anderson 1st Baronet (age 77) died without issue. Baronet Anderson of Mill Hill in Middlesex extinct.

On 21 May 1818 George Montagu 6th Earl Sandwich (age 45) died. He was buried at All Saints Church, Barnwell [Map]. His son John William Montagu 7th Earl Sandwich (age 6) succeeded 7th Earl Sandwich.

On 21 May 1824 John Hill 3rd Baronet (age 83) died. His grandson Rowland Hill 2nd Viscount Hill (age 24) succeeded 4th Baronet Hill of Hawkestone in Shropshire. Anne Clegg Viscoutess Hill (age 9) by marriage Lady Hill of Hawkestone in Shropshire.

On 21 May 1825 Rachel Howard (age 9) died. She was buried at St Lawrence's Church, Denton.

Rachel Howard: On 11 Oct 1815 she was born to John Howard and Elizabeth m Howard.

On 21 May 1829 Peter I Grand Duke of Oldenburg (age 74) died.

On 21 May 1831 Colonel James Campbell of Ardkinglass (age 86) died.

On 12 May 1835 or 21 May 1835 Arthur Kaye Legge (age 68) died.

On 21 May 1838 Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet (age 69) died. He was buried at St Mary’s Church, Sprotbrough [Map]. His son Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet (age 33) succeeded 4th Baronet Copley Sprotborough. Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley (age 27) by marriage Lady Copley Sprotborough.

Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet: On 10 May 1769 he was born to Joseph Moyle aka Copley 1st Baronet and Mary Buller Lady Copley. On 04 Mar 1792 John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn were married. She by marriage Marchioness Abercorn. They were divorced in Apr 1799. She married the Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet the following month; he being the brother of the Marquess' first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn. They were first cousins. On 09 Aug 1832 Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn were married. She by marriage Lady Copley Sprotborough. He was the younger brother of her first husband's [John Hamilton 1st Marquess Abercorn] first wife Catherine Moyle Marchioness Abercorn.

Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet: On 26 Jul 1804 he was born to Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn. On 19 Nov 1831 Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet and Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley were married. She the daughter of Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough. He the son of Joseph Copley 3rd Baronet and Cecil Hamilton Marchioness Abercorn. On 04 Jan 1883 Joseph William Copley 4th Baronet died without issue. Baronet Copley Sprotborough extinct. He was buried at Brompton Cemetery, Kensington.

Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley: On 21 Oct 1810 she was born to Charles Anderson-Pelham 1st Earl Yarborough. On 10 Aug 1875 Charlotte Anderson-Pelham Lady Copley died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Brocklesby.

On 21 May 1844 Vice-Admiral Courtenay Boyle (age 73) died.

On 21 May 1852 James Mann 5th Earl Cornwallis (age 73) died. Earl Cornwallis extinct. His daughter Jemima Isabella Mann inherited Boughton aka Bocton Place, Kent [Map].

On 21 May 1883 Michael Fleming 7th Baronet (age 55) died at Rangiora, Christchurch. His son Andrew Fleming Hudleston le Fleming 8th Baronet (age 28) succeeded 8th Baronet Fleming of Rydal in Cumbria.

On 21 May 1887 Edward Russell (age 82) died.

On 21 May 1889 Lieutenant-General Edward Thomas Gage (age 63) died.

On 21 May 1897 Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Bootle-Wilbraham (age 54) died.

On 21 May 1900 Emma Carbonnel (age 78) died.

On 21 May 1901 Emily Mary Grimston Countess Craven (age 85) died.

On 21 May 1905 Georgiana Liddell Baroness Bloomfield (age 83) died.

On 21 May 1915 Lieutenant Arthur George Coke (age 33) was killed in action whilst serving with the Royal Naval Air Service. He is commemorated on the Helles Memorial at Gallipoli. Memorial at St Withburga's Church, Holkham [Map].

Lieutenant Arthur George Coke: On 06 Apr 1882 he was born to Thomas William Coke 3rd Earl of Leicester and Alice Emily White Countess Leicester.

On 21 May 1916 Simon Richard Richmond Newburn (age 31) was killed in action. He has a memorial at St John Lee Church, Hexham [Map] sculpted by Thomas John Clapperton (age 36).

Simon Richard Richmond Newburn: On 09 Sep 1884 he was born. After 21 May 1916. St John Lee Church, Hexham. Monument to Simon Richard Richmond Newburn sculpted by Thomas John Clapperton.

On 21 May 1922 Ernest St Maur (age 74) died.

On 21 May 1925 Stephen Langton aka Massingberd (age 56) died.

On 21 May 1928 George Frampton (age 67) died.

On 21 May 1928 Emma Mary Bailey Baroness Tenterden (age 85) died at Monte Carlo.

On 21 May 1930 Helena Mabel Hamilton died.

On 21 May 1934 Cecil Talbot Clifton 24th Baron Grey of Ruthin (age 72) died. Baron Grey of Ruthyn abeyant between his sister Lelgarde Harry Florence Clifton (age 64) and his nephew John Lancelot Butler-Bowdon 25th Baron Grey of Ruthin (age 50).

On 21 May 1936 Augusta Louisa Caroline Ellis Baroness Monson (age 94) died.

On 21 May 1944 Elizabeth Baring Countess Kenmare (age 77) died.

On 21 May 1946 Primula Susan Rollo (age 28) died. She fractured her skull in a fall in the Beverly Hills, California home of Tyrone Power, while playing a game of sardines. She had walked through a door believing it to be a closet, but instead, it led to a stone staircase to the basement.

On 21 May 1966 Dorothy Evelyn Cavendish (age 65) died.

On 21 May 1969 Helen Cecil Douglas-Scott-Montagu (age 79) died.

On 21 May 2000 Arthur John Gielgud (age 96) died.

On 21 May 2000 Barbara Cartland (age 98) died.

On 21 May 2009 Anne Pamela Bridgeman (age 95) died.