On this Day in History ... 28th May

28 May is in May.

1265 Prince Edward's Escape from Kenilworth Castle

1444 Treaty of Tours

1445 Coronation of Queen Margaret of Anjou

1541 Executions

1550 Visit of the French Ambassadors

1577 Scarborough Castle Rebellion

1672 Battle of Solebay

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 28th May

On 28 May 1187 Urraca Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal was born to Alfonso VIII King Castile (age 31) and Eleanor Plantagenet Queen Consort Castile (age 25). She a granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 28 May 1262 King Philip III of France (age 17) and Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France (age 14) were married. She the daughter of James I King Aragon (age 54) and Violant Árpád Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of King Louis IX of France (age 48) and Margaret Provence Queen Consort France (age 41). They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 28 May 1265 King Edward I of England (age 25), with the help of Roger Leybourne (age 50), escaped from Kenilworth Castle [Map] whilst on a hunting trip. He had been held there as a hostage following the Battle of Lewes as a condition of the Mise of Lewes (the now lost peace treaty).

On 28 May 1357 Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal (age 66) died. His son Peter I King Portugal (age 37) succeeded I King Portugal.

On 28 May 1363 John Harrington 2nd Baron Harington (age 35) died at Gleaston Castle [Map]. His son Robert Harrington 3rd Baron Harington (age 7) succeeded 3rd Baron Harington. Given his young age Robert Harrington 3rd Baron Harington (age 7) became a ward of King Edward III of England (age 50) who granted his wardship to his daughter Isabella Countess Bedford and Soissons (age 30) and her husband Enguerrand de Coucy 1st Earl Bedford 1st Count Soissons (age 23).

On 28 May 1444 the Treaty of Tours was concluded. The terms included the marriage of King Henry VI of England and II of France (age 22) and Margaret of Anjou (age 14) in return for which England ceded the strategically important French County of Maine to France; she brought no dowry. The Treaty was negotiated by William de la Pole Duke of Suffolk (age 47). The cessation of Maine subsequently came as something of surprise to Edmund Beaufort Earl Somerset (age 38) who was its Governor. He, Somerset (age 38), was offered the Governorship of Normandy instead leading to a further rift between Somerset (age 38) and Richard Duke of York (age 32) who had already been offered Normandy. These seeds of the Wars of the Roses were falling on fertile ground.

Chronicle of Gregory 1445. 28 May 1445. And a-pon the morowe, the Satyrday, she was brought thoroughe London syttyng in a lytter by twyne ij [2] goode and nobylle stedys i-trappyd with whyte satton, and sche was conveyyde unto Westemyster. And apon the morowe the Sonday was the coronacyon, and ij [2] dayes aftyr there was grette revylle of justys of pes in the sayntewery at Westemyster, &c.

Letters and Papers 1535. 28 May 1535. R. O. 776. The Mayor and Jurats of Rye to Cromwell. Certain variances have fallen out between Sir William Inold (or Juold?), curate of Rye, and John Youg, on which the latter said that as good men and as true as the same Inold were hanged in this month. On Inold's complaint we have examined Yong, who has affirmed that as good men and better than Inold were hanged, as they would not be sworn to the King; whereas Inold was sworn, and has done to the contrary. We have informed the Council, and sent letters to my Lord of Rochford (age 32), the warden of the Cinque Ports, but he is one of the King's ambassadors beyond sea. In his absence my Lord of Wiltshire has opened the letters, and shown them to Mr. Chr. Hales, the King's Attorney, who advises us to send the parties to you. Rye, 28 May.

Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.

Letters and Papers 1541. 29 May 1541. 868. Marillac to Francis I.

What has here happened since he wrote last, on the 22nd, gives matter to write. To begin with, a case more worthy of compassion than of long letters, the countess of Saalberi (deceased), mother of Cardinal Pol (age 41) and the late lord Montaigue, was yesterday morning, about 7 o'clock, beheaded in a corner of the Tower [Map], in presence of so few people that until evening the truth was still doubted. It was the more difficult to believe as she had been long prisoner, was of noble lineage, above 80 years old, and had been punished by the loss of one son and banishment of the other, and the total ruin of her house. Further reflections upon this. The manner of proceeding in her case and that of a lord who was executed at the same time (who is not yet named, but is presumed to be lord Leonard de Clidas (age 62), formerly the King's lieutenant in Ireland) seems to argue that those here are afraid to put to death publicly those whom they execute in secret. It may be added that yesterday all the heads which were fixed upon the bridge of the river which passes by this town were taken down; in order that the people may forget those whose heads kept their memory fresh, if it were not that this will people the place with new, for Marillac hears from a good place that, before St. John's tide, they reckon to empty the Tower of the prisoners now there for treason.

The talk of going to the North continues, and provisions are already being sent; which are the greater as the company will be 4,000 or 5,000 horse, as well because the King (age 49) wishes to go with more magnificence (as he has not yet been there) as to be secure against any seditious designs. They will be gentlemen of these quarters of King (Kent), whom he trusts most. The 50 gentlemen of the house will each have tent and war equipment, as also will several other young lords; so that it will be rather like following a camp than going to the chase.

As instructed in last packet of the 20th, will write to no one of affairs here. Would not have done it in the past had he known Francis's pleasure, but was only written to to address all he wrote to Francis, not that he should not write to others. Will write affairs concerning war or peace to Mons. de Vendosme, as long as he is in Picardy, and in his absence a word to M. du Bies, to prevent them thinking better or worse in the absence of news. Is not spoken to about the Cauchoide nor about the conversation he wrote last in cipher.

Holinshed's Chronicle 1547. 28 May 1548. The eight and twentith of Maie, his lordship wan the castell of Yester, after he had beaten it right sore with terrible batterie of canon shot for the time it lasted, and therewith hauing made a reasonable breach for the soldiers to enter, they within yéelded with condition to haue their liues saued: which the lord Greie was contented to grant to them all, one onelie excepted, who during the siege vttered vnséemelie words of the king, abusing his maiesties name with vile and most opprobrious termes. They all comming foorth of the castell in their shirts, humbled themselues to my lord Greie (as became them) and vpon strait examination who should be the railer that was excepted out of the pardon, it was knowne to be one Newton a Scot: but he to saue himselfe, put it to one Hamilton, and so these two gentlemen accusing one an other, the truth could not be decided otherwise than by a combat, which they required, and my lord Greie therevnto assented, and pronounced iudgement so to haue it tried: which he did the rather, bicause all men doo séeme resolute in the triall of truth (as in a verie good cause) by losse of life to gaine an endlesse name; as one saith:

Mors spernenda viris vt fama perennis alatur.

Diary of Edward VI. 28 May 1550. The same went to see Hampton court [Map], where thei did hunt4, and the same night retourne to Durasme place.

Note 4. "Wednesday, they were conveyed by me, the marquess of Northampton (age 38), to Hampton court, where they dined, hunted, and that night returned." (Ibid.)

Henry Machyn's Diary. 28 May 1557. The xxvij day of May, the wyche was the Assensyon day, the Kynges (age 30) and the Quen('s) (age 41) grace rod unto Westmynster with all the lords and knyghtes and gentyllmen, and ther ther graces whent a prossessyon abowt the clowster, and so thay hard masse.

Note. P. 137. Celebration of Ascension day. On this occasion in the preceding year (1556) the church wardens of St. Margaret's Westminster made the following payments: "Item, payde for breade, wyne, ale, and beere, upon th'Ascension evyn and day, agaynst my lord abbot and his covent cam in procession, and for strewyng erbes the same day, vijs. jd."

On 28 May 1557 Thomas Stafford (age 24) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 28 May 1577. [The xxviij day of May Thomas Stafford was beheaded on Tower hill [Map], by nine of the clock, master Wode being his] gostly father; and after ther wher iij more [drawn from the To] wre, and thrugh London unto Tyburne [Map], and ther [they were] hangyd and quartered; and the morow after was master [Stafford] quartered, and hangyd on a care, and so to Nuwgatt to [boil.]

Evelyn's Diary. 24 May 1641, I returned to Wotton; and, on the 28th of June, I went to London with my sister Jane, and the day after sat to one Vanderborcht for my picture in oil, at Arundel House [Map], whose servant that excellent painter was, brought out of Germany when the Earl returned from Vienna (whither he was sent Ambassador-extraordinary, with great pomp and charge, though without any effect, through the artifice of the Jesuited Spaniard, who governed all in that conjuncture). With Vanderborcht, the painter, he brought over Winceslaus Hollar, the sculptor, who engraved not only this unhappy Deputy's trial in Westminster Hall, but his decapitation; as he did several other historical things, then relating to the accidents happening during the Rebellion in England, with great skill, besides many cities, towns, and landscapes, not only of this nation, but of foreign parts, and divers portraits of famous persons then in being; and things designed from the best pieces of the rare paintings and masters of which the Earl of Arundel was possessor, purchased and collected in his travels with incredible expense; so as, though Hollar's were but etched in aqua-fortis, I account the collection to be the most authentic and useful extant. Hollar was the son of a gentleman near Prague, in Bohemia, and my very good friend, perverted at last by the Jesuits at Antwerp to change his religion; a very honest, simple, well-meaning man, who at last came over again into England, where he died. We have the whole history of the King's (age 40) reign, from his trial in Westminster-hall and before, to the restoration of King Charles II, represented in several sculptures, with that also of Archbishop Laud (age 67), by this indefatigable artist, besides innumerable sculptures in the works of Dugdale, Ashmole, and other historical and useful works. I am the more particular upon this for the fruit of that collection, which I wish I had entire.

Evelyn's Diary. 28 May 1656. Came to visit me the old Marquis of Argyle (age 49) (since executed), Lord Lothian, and some other Scotch noblemen, all strangers to me. Note, the Marquis took the turtle-doves in the aviary for owls.

Evelyn's Diary. 28 May 1656. The Earl of Southampton (age 49) (since Treasurer) and Mr. Spencer (age 27), brother to the Earl of Sunderland, came to see my garden.

On 28 May 1660 King George I of Great Britain and Ireland was born to Ernest Augustus Hanover Elector Brunswick-Lüneburg (age 30) and Sophia Palatinate Simmern (age 29). He a great grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

Pepy's Diary. 28 May 1665. Thence to my Lady Sandwich's (age 40), where, to my shame, I had not been a great while before. Here, upon my telling her a story of my Lord Rochester's (age 18) running away on Friday night last with Mrs. Mallett (age 14), the great beauty and fortune of the North, who had supped at White Hall with Mrs. Stewart (age 17), and was going home to her lodgings with her grandfather, my Lord Haly (age 57), by coach; and was at Charing Cross [Map] seized on by both horse and foot men, and forcibly taken from him, and put into a coach with six horses, and two women provided to receive her, and carried away. Upon immediate pursuit, my Lord of Rochester (age 18) (for whom the King (age 34) had spoke to the lady often, but with no successe) was taken at Uxbridge; but the lady (age 14) is not yet heard of, and the King (age 34) mighty angry, and the Lord (age 18) sent to the Tower [Map]. Hereupon my Lady did confess to me, as a great secret, her being concerned in this story. For if this match breaks between my Lord Rochester (age 18) and her, then, by the consent of all her friends, my Lord Hinchingbrooke (age 17) stands fair, and is invited for her. She is worth, and will be at her mother's (age 35) death (who keeps but a little from her), £2500 per annum. Pray God give a good success to it! But my poor Lady, who is afeard of the sickness, and resolved to be gone into the country, is forced to stay in towne a day or two, or three about it, to see the event of it.

Pepy's Diary. 28 May 1665. Lord's Day. By water to the Duke of Albemarle (age 56), where I hear that Nixon is condemned to be shot to death, for his cowardice, by a Council of War.

Pepy's Diary. 28 May 1667. Up, and by coach to St. James's, where I find Sir W. Coventry (age 39), and he desirous to have spoke with me. It was to read over a draught of a letter which he hath made for his brother Commissioners and him to sign to us, demanding an account of the whole business of the Navy accounts; and I perceive, by the way he goes about it, that they will do admirable things. He tells me they have chosen Sir G. Downing (age 42) their Secretary, who will be as fit a man as any in the world; and said, by the by, speaking of the bankers being fearful of Sir G. Downing's (age 42) being Secretary, he being their enemy, that they did not intend to be ruled by their Secretary, but do the business themselves. My heart is glad to see so great hopes of good to the nation as will be by these men; and it do me good to see Sir W. Coventry (age 39) so cheerfull as he now is on the same score.

Pepy's Diary. 28 May 1669. To St. James's, where the King's being with the Duke of York (age 35) prevented a meeting of the Tangier Commission. But, Lord! what a deal of sorry discourse did I hear between the King (age 38) and several Lords about him here! but very mean methought. So with Creed to the Excise Office, and back to White Hall, where, in the Park, Sir G. Carteret (age 59) did give me an account of his discourse lately, with the Commissioners of Accounts, who except against many things, but none that I find considerable; among others, that of the Officers of the Navy selling of the King's goods, and particularly my providing him with calico flags, which having been by order, and but once, when necessity, and the King's apparent profit, justified it, as conformable to my particular duty, it will prove to my advantage that it be enquired into. Nevertheless, having this morning received from them a demand of an account of all monies within their cognizance, received and issued by me, I was willing, upon this hint, to give myself rest, by knowing whether their meaning therein might reach only to my Treasurership for Tangier, or the monies employed on this occasion. I went, therefore, to them this afternoon, to understand what monies they meant, where they answered me, by saying, "The eleven months' tax, customs, and prizemoney", without mentioning, any more than I demanding, the service they respected therein; and so, without further discourse, we parted, upon very good terms of respect, and with few words, but my mind not fully satisfied about the monies they mean.

On 28 May 1672 Freschville Holles (age 29) died at the 1672 Battle of Solebay at which he was in command of the Cambridge. He was buried at the Chapel of St Edmund, Westminster Abbey [Map] in an unmarked grave.

On 28 May 1672 Philip Carteret (age 31) and Winston Churchill were killed at Solebay, Southwold [Map].

Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 46) was killed. His son Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 24) succeeded 2nd Earl Sandwich.

George Legge 1st Baron Dartmouth (age 25) fought.

Charles Harbord (age 32) was killed. The inscription on his. Monument in Westminster Abbey [Map] reads ... Sr. Charles Harbord Knt. his Majesties Surveyor General, and First Lieutenant of the Royall James, under the most noble and illustrious captain Edward, Earle of Sandwich (age 46), Vice Admirall of England, which after a terrible fight maintained to admiration against a squadron of the Holland fleet for above six houres, neere the Suffolk coast, having put off two fireships, at last being utterly dissabled and few of her men remaining unhurt, was by a third unfortunately set on fire: but he (though he swam well) neglected to save himselfe as some did, and out of the perfect love to that worthy lord (whom for many yeares he had constantly accompanyed in all his honourable imployments, and in all the engagements of the former warr) dyed with him at the age of XXXIII, much bewailed of his father whom he never offended, and much beloved of all for his knowne piety, vertue, loyalty, fortitude and fidelity.

Captain John Cox was killed in action.

Admiral John Holmes (age 32) fought as commander of Rupert.

The Gloucester took part.

Evelyn's Diary. 31 May 1672. I received another command to repair to the seaside; so I went to Rochester, Kent [Map], where I found many wounded, sick, and prisoners, newly put on shore after the engagement on the 28th, in which the Earl of Sandwich (deceased), that incomparable person and my particular friend, and divers more whom I loved, were lost. My Lord (who was Admiral of the Blue) was in the "Prince", which was burnt, one of the best men-of-war that ever spread canvas on the sea. There were lost with this brave man, a son of Sir Charles Cotterell (age 57) (Master of the Ceremonies), and a son (age 32) of Sir Charles Harbord (his Majesty's (age 42) Surveyor-General), two valiant and most accomplished youths, full of virtue and courage, who might have saved themselves; but chose to perish with my Lord, whom they honored and loved above their own lives.

Evelyn's Diary. 28 May 1682. At the Rolls' chapel preached the famous Dr. Burnet (age 38) on 2 Peter 1:10, describing excellently well what was meant by election; viz, not the effect of any irreversible decree, but so called because they embraced the Gospel readily, by which they became elect, or precious to God. It would be very needless to make our calling and election sure, were they irreversible and what the rigid Presbyterians pretend. In the afternoon, to St. Lawrence's church, a new and cheerful pile.

Roger Whitley's Diary. 28 May 1690. Wednesday, Morgan & Huson went to Chester past 8; Bidolph & I went after them past 9; went to visit G.Mainwaring (age 47) & Angell; dined with Scranmore; there was Shomberg, Newport, Cuffe, Warburton; the Bishop, Fog, Streete, Bidolph Mainwaring & Compton,&c. parted past 3, went to the Quire, then to the Bishop: then to Jacksons; the Keeper spoke with me about the paling; at Jacksons was Cuffe, Streete, Wright, Mnshull, Scranmore, Farington, &c. I left them past 7; called at Ephrahim Bennets; dranck at the doore (in the coach). Fox drank with me; we stayd not, went home [fo. 118v] May: 29. Thursday, my daughters & sister Anne went to dine with Lady Aston; I & Sidney dined at home; past 4 came the Parson of Barrow with severall of his parishoners having bin theire Perambulation to the Bounds of the Parish, they had a bottle of wine, beere, &c. & went past 5; Morgan came from Chester about 10; Huson & Thomas Hughes about 11.

Before 28 May 1745 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 78). Portrait of Robert Walpole 1st Earl Orford. Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery.

Before 28 May 1745 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 78). Portrait of John Manners 3rd Duke Rutland (age 48). Calke Abbey [Map].

Before 28 May 1745 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 78). Portrait of Philip Stanhope 4th Earl Chesterfield (age 50). Cromwell Museum.

Before 28 May 1745 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 78). Portrait of Henry St John 1st Viscount Bolingbroke (age 66). Lydiard House.

Historical Inquiries Respecting the Character of Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon. PAGE 34. Note Z. Henry Hyde, Viscount Cornbury (age 42), only son of Henry Earl of Clarendon and Rochester, was of some talent and great amiability of character. Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, in his poems, calls him "Gentle Cornbury" - Swift says, "he is a young nobleman of learning and morals" - and Pope pays him the high compliment of advising others to "disdain whatever Cornbury disdained." Lord Orford thus draws his character: "He was upright, calm, steady; his virtues were of the gentlest complexion, yet of the firmest texture; vice could not bend him, nor party warp him; even his own talents could not mislead him. Though a master of eloquence, he preferred justice, and the love of his country to all the applause, which the violence of the times in which he lived was so prodigal of bestowing on orators who distinguish themselves in any faction; but the tinsel of popularity and the intrinsic of corruption were equally his contempt. He spoke, nor wrote, nor acted, for fame." He was the author of several pamphlets published without his name - of some tragedies still in manuscript - of a comedy called "The Mistakes, or the Happy Resentment," printed at Strawberry Hill, in 1758 -and of an admirable" Letter to David Mallet, on the intended publication of Lord Bolingbroke's manuscripts." He is believed to have died by suicide at Paris, on the 28th of May, 1753, though the complaisant peerages say that his death was occasioned by a fall from his horse.

Travels through the middle settlements in North America Chapter 1. 28 May 1759. May 28. We difcovered a large sail; she directed her course towards the east. We supposed her to be an English man of war going express. She carried three top-gallant sails.

Greville Memoirs. 28 May 1831. I met Alexander Baring (age 56) the other night, who said it was certain that the King was full of regrets at the extent of the measures into which he had been hurried, when I told him of Lord Grey's Garter, and asked him what he said to that, and how that bore out the assertion of the King's regrets. The fact is that although on one side a most indecent though effectual use of the King's name has been made, on the other there is nothing that is not asserted with equal confidence about 'his difficulties and his scruples.' Sefton told me that it was the sort of things that were said that made the King write to Lord Grey (he saw the letter) and tell him that he thought it of the greatest importance at the present moment to confer upon him a signal mark of his regard and of his satisfaction with the whole of his conduct. It is, I believe, true that the King felt some alarm and some doubt about the dissolution, but I do not believe that he has any doubts or fears at present. Indeed, how should he not have suffered himself to be led away by these people and to become identified with their measure? They have given him an ample share of the praise of it; they assure him it will be eminently successful; he sees himself popular and applauded to the skies, and as far as things have gone it has been successful, for the elections have gone on and gone off very peaceably, and the country in expectation of the passing of the Bill is in a state of profound tranquillity.

Thomas Bateman 1845. On the afternoon of the same day, a barrow [Map] at New Inns was opened; it is situated upon a ridge of high ground immediately overlooking the secluded hamlet of Alsop-in-the-Dale [Map]. The centre of the tumulus being reached, the original interment was discovered lying upon the rocky floor, upon its left side, with the knees contracted, and the face towards the south, without being inclosed in any kind of cist or vault; close to the back of the head was a beautiful brass dagger of the usual form, but with smaller rivets than common, which the appearance of the surrounding mould denoted to have been buried in a wooden sheath; about the knees two small brass rivets were found entirely unconnected, and as on a strict scrutiny nothing else was discovered, it is most probable that they had riveted some article of perishable material, wood for instance which had so completely decayed as to leave no trace. In the course of this excavation were found part of another haman skeleton, some animal teeth, and two instruments of flint, which had all been previously disturbed.

Thomas Bateman 1845. The first tumulus opened this year in Staffordshire was a barrow [Note. Possibly Wetton aka Taylor's Low [Map] but it is less than half a mile from Wetton.] about a mile from Wetton, commonly known as Taylor's Lowe and it furnished the subject of the frontispiece of "Barrow-digging, by a Barrow-knight" which is a faithful delineation of the scene on the 28th of May, 1845. About two feet from the surface of the barrow was a cist, formed of thin, flat limestones, containing the skeleton of a young person, probably a female, the knees, as is frequently the case in the more ancient barrows, being contracted. About eighteen inches from the surface, on the north side of the tumulus, was another skeleton; deeper down a small octagonal cist, containing a simple deposit of burnt human bones, was erected over a human skeleton, which lay in a large square cist, cut in the rock, thus presenting the anomalous appearance of a cist within a cist. There was nothing found with any of these interments; a few flint instruments and a small piece of an urn only occurring promiscuously. The most remarkable circumstance attending this barrow was, that although each skeleton was quite undisturbed, yet all the heads which lay towards the interior of the mound had been destroyed, by the central part of the tumulus having been some years ago removed, in order form a limekiln.

The London Gazette 27318. 28 May 1901. To be Knight Commanders.

Horace Brand Townsend (age 57), Lord Farquhar.

Frederick Treves, Esq., C.B.

The London Gazette 29175. 28 May 1915. The undermentioned to be Second Lieu tenants (on probation). Dated 29th May, 1915:

Charles Eliott Hamilton, 3rd Battalion, East Kent Regiment.

William Peirce Waddington, 3rd Battalion, Royal Lancaster Regiment.

Wilfred Justice Judge, 5th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers.

George Bertram Ashworth, 3rd Battalion, Suffolk Regiment.

Reginald Townley Edwards, 3rd Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment.

Vivian Hayton Maasdorp, 3rd Battalion. Royal Scots Fusiliers.

Siefried Lorraine Sassoon (age 28), 3rd Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers.

Arthur Charles Walsh, 4th Battalion, Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.

John Christopher Wilson, 5th Battalion, Worcestershire Regiment.

Margetts Mitchell, 3rd Battalion, East Lancashire Regiment.

Archibald Valentine Maunder, 3rd Battalion, West Riding Regiment.

Wessex from the Air Plates 39 and 40. 28 May 1928. Reference Nos. 15. and 17. County. Wilts. 54 SE. (122; D. 6). Parish. Amesbury. Latitude. 51° 10' 53" N. Longitude. 1° 48' 46" W. Height above Sea-level. About 300 ft. (91 metres). Geological Formation. Upper Chalk. Time and Date of Photograph. 10.9 a.m., 28th May. Height of Aeroplane. 2,500 ft. (762 metres). Speed of Shutter. 1/180th of a second.

On 28 May 1937 Stanley Baldwin 1st Earl Baldwin (age 69) was appointed 888th Knight of the Garter by King George VI of the United Kingdom (age 41).

On 28 May 1940 Frederick Charles I King Finland (age 72) died.

On 28 May 1948 Unity Valkyrie Mitford (age 33) died of meningitis caused by the cerebral swelling around the bullet that had lodged in her brain after she had shot herself in Dec 1939.

Time Team Series 3 Episode 3: Village of the Templars was filmed between 26 May 1995 and 28 May 1995. It was originally shown on 21 Jan 1996.

Location: Templecombe, Somerset [Map].

Time Team Series 3 Episode 4: A Wreck of the Spanish Armada was filmed between 26 May 1995 and 28 May 1995. It was originally shown on 28 Jan 1996.

Location: Teignmouth, Devon [Map].

Births on the 28th May

On 28 May 1187 Urraca Ivrea Queen Consort Portugal was born to Alfonso VIII King Castile (age 31) and Eleanor Plantagenet Queen Consort Castile (age 25). She a granddaughter of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 28 May 1371 John "Fearless" Valois Duke Burgundy was born to Philip "Bold" Valois II Duke Burgundy (age 29) and Margaret Dampierre Duchess Burgundy (age 23). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward I of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 1.61%.

On 28 May 1423 Katherine Percy was born to Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 30) and Eleanor Neville Countess Northumberland (age 26). She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England. Coefficient of inbreeding 3.49%.

On 28 May 1660 King George I of Great Britain and Ireland was born to Ernest Augustus Hanover Elector Brunswick-Lüneburg (age 30) and Sophia Palatinate Simmern (age 29). He a great grandson of King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland.

On 28 May 1689 Maximillian Hesse-Kassel was born to Charles I Landgrave Hesse-Kassel (age 34) and Maria Amalia of Courland Landgravine Hesse-Kassel (age 35). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.66%.

On 28 May 1706 Christian Wilhelm Saxe Coburg Altenburg was born to Frederick Saxe Coburg Altenburg II Duke Saxe Gotha Altenburg (age 29) and Magdalena Augusta Anhalt Zerbst Anhaltzerbst Duchess Saxe Gotha Altenburg at Gotha.

On 28 May 1716 Robert Burdett 4th Baronet was born to Robert Burdett and Elizabeth Tracy (age 36) posthumously.

On 28 May 1718 Wilhelmina Caroline Murray was born to John Murray 1st Duke Atholl (age 58) and Mary Ross Duchess Atholl (age 30).

On 28 May 1747 Elizabeth Boscawen Duchess Beaufort was born to Edward Boscawen (age 35) and Frances Evelyn Evelyn (age 27) in Falmouth, Cornwall.

On 28 May 1775 Thomas North Graves 2nd Baron Graves was born to Admiral Thomas Graves 1st Baron Graves (age 49).

On 28 May 1828 Son Ponsonby was born to John Ponsonby 4th Earl Bessborough (age 46) and Maria Fane (age 41).

On 28 May 1838 Lionel Tollemache was born to John Jervis Tollemache 1st Baron Tollemache (age 32) and Georgiana Louisa Best (age 29). Coefficient of inbreeding 6.25%.

On 28 May 1863 Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Cavendish-Bentinck was born to Lieutenant-General Arthur Cavendish Bentinck (age 44) and Augusta Mary Elizabeth Browne 1st Baroness Bolsover (age 28).

On 28 May 1891 George Jessel 2nd Baronet was born to Charles James Jessel 1st Baronet (age 31) and Edith Goldsmid Lady Jessel.

On 28 May 1904 William Thomas Wentworth-Fitzwilliam 10th and 8th Earl Fitzwilliam was born to George Charles Wentworth-Fitzwilliam (age 38) and Daisy Evelyn Lyster (age 37).

On 28 May 1908 John Lionel Reginald Blunt 10th was born to John Harvey Blunt 9th Baronet (age 35).

On 28 May 1910 Stuart Piggott was born at Petersfield, Hampshire.

On 28 May 1912 Alonso María Orléans Galliera was born to Alfonso Orléans Galliera Duke Galliera (age 25) and Beatrice Windsor Duchess Galliera (age 28) at Madrid [Map]. He a great grandson of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

On 28 May 1959 Robert Anthony Innes-Kerr was born to George Victor Robert John Innes-Kerr 9th Duke Roxburghe (age 45) and Margaret Elizabeth Mcconnel Duchess Roxburghe (age 40).

Marriages on the 28th May

On 28 May 1262 King Philip III of France (age 17) and Isabella Barcelona Queen Consort France (age 14) were married. She the daughter of James I King Aragon (age 54) and Violant Árpád Queen Consort Aragon. He the son of King Louis IX of France (age 48) and Margaret Provence Queen Consort France (age 41). They were second cousin once removed. He a great x 2 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 28 May 1554 Gerald "Wizard Earl" Fitzgerald 11th Earl of Kildare (age 29) and Mabel Browne Countess Kildare (age 18) were married at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace. She by marriage Countess Kildare. He the son of Gerald Fitzgerald 9th Earl of Kildare and Elizabeth Grey Countess Kildare. They were third cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 28 May 1604 Thomas Gower 1st Baronet (age 20) and Anne Doyley Baroness Gower were married.

In or after 28 May 1678, the date of the licence, Robert Dillington 2nd Baronet (age 44) and Hannah Webb were married.

On or after 28 May 1683 John Delaval 3rd Baronet (age 28) and Mary Goodyer (age 23) were married. She died later that year in Oct 1683.

On 28 May 1767 John Fane 9th Earl of Westmoreland (age 39) and Susan Gordon Countess of Westmoreland (age 15) were married. The difference in their ages was 23 years. She the daughter of Cosmo George Gordon 3rd Duke Gordon and Catherine Gordon Duchess Gordon (age 49). He the son of Thomas Fane 8th Earl of Westmoreland (age 66) and Elizabeth Swymmer Countess Westmoreland.

On 28 May 1783 Edward Pellew 1st Viscount Exmouth (age 26) and Susan Frowde Viscountess Exmouth (age 27) were married.

On 28 May 1809 William Mordaunt Sturt Milner 4th Baronet (age 29) and Harriet Elizabeth Cavendish-Bentinck (age 22) were married.

On 28 May 1824 William Harris 2nd Baron Harris (age 42) and Isabella Helana Handcock-Temple of Waterstown in Westmeath were married.

On 28 May 1832 Richard Boyle 4th Earl Shannon (age 23) and Emily Henrietta Seymour-Conway Countess Shannon were married. He the son of Henry Boyle 3rd Earl Shannon (age 60). She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 28 May 1853 Frederick Sandys (age 24) and Georgiana Creed (age 28) were married at St Pancras Old Church [Map]. He the son of Anthony Sands (age 47) and Mary Ann Brown.

Deaths on the 28th May

On 28 May 812 William Poitiers Duke Toulose (age 57) died.

On 28 May 1023 Archibishop Wulfstan died.

On 28 May 1357 Alfonso "Brave" IV King Portugal (age 66) died. His son Peter I King Portugal (age 37) succeeded I King Portugal.

On 28 May 1363 John Harrington 2nd Baron Harington (age 35) died at Gleaston Castle [Map]. His son Robert Harrington 3rd Baron Harington (age 7) succeeded 3rd Baron Harington. Given his young age Robert Harrington 3rd Baron Harington (age 7) became a ward of King Edward III of England (age 50) who granted his wardship to his daughter Isabella Countess Bedford and Soissons (age 30) and her husband Enguerrand de Coucy 1st Earl Bedford 1st Count Soissons (age 23).

Before 28 May 1365 Thomas Ughtred 1st Baron Ughtred (age 73) died. He was buried at Catton Church Catton. His son Thomas Ughtred 2nd Baron Ughtred (age 40) succeeded 2nd Baron Ughtred although it appears he was never summoned to Parliament. Catherine Mauley Countess Suffolk (age 35) by marriage Baroness Ughtred.

On 28 May 1427 Eric Brunswick Grubenhagen 1st Duke Brunswick Grubenhagen (age 44) died.

On 28 May 1626 Thomas Howard 1st Earl Suffolk (age 64) died at Charing Cross [Map]. He was buried at Waldon Priory and Abbey [Map]. His son Theophilus Howard 2nd Earl Suffolk (age 43) succeeded 2nd Earl Suffolk. Elizabeth Home Countess Suffolk (age 27) by marriage Countess Suffolk.

On 28 May 1651 Henry Grey 10th Earl Kent (age 56) died. His son Anthony Grey 1453 1490 11th Earl Kent (age 6) succeeded 11th Earl Kent.

On 28 May 1672 Philip Carteret (age 31) and Winston Churchill were killed at Solebay, Southwold [Map].

Edward Montagu 1st Earl Sandwich (age 46) was killed. His son Edward Montagu 2nd Earl Sandwich (age 24) succeeded 2nd Earl Sandwich.

George Legge 1st Baron Dartmouth (age 25) fought.

Charles Harbord (age 32) was killed. The inscription on his. Monument in Westminster Abbey [Map] reads ... Sr. Charles Harbord Knt. his Majesties Surveyor General, and First Lieutenant of the Royall James, under the most noble and illustrious captain Edward, Earle of Sandwich (age 46), Vice Admirall of England, which after a terrible fight maintained to admiration against a squadron of the Holland fleet for above six houres, neere the Suffolk coast, having put off two fireships, at last being utterly dissabled and few of her men remaining unhurt, was by a third unfortunately set on fire: but he (though he swam well) neglected to save himselfe as some did, and out of the perfect love to that worthy lord (whom for many yeares he had constantly accompanyed in all his honourable imployments, and in all the engagements of the former warr) dyed with him at the age of XXXIII, much bewailed of his father whom he never offended, and much beloved of all for his knowne piety, vertue, loyalty, fortitude and fidelity.

Captain John Cox was killed in action.

Admiral John Holmes (age 32) fought as commander of Rupert.

The Gloucester took part.

On 28 May 1740 Mary Fisher Countess Aylesford (age 50) died.

On 28 May 1741 Thomas Paget died.

On 28 May 1743 Henry Northcote 5th Baronet (age 32) died. His son Stafford Northcote 6th Baronet (age 7) succeeded 6th Baronet Northcote of Hayne in Devon.

On 28 May 1743 John Paulett 1st Earl Paulett (age 75) died. His son John Paulett 2nd Earl Paulett (age 35) succeeded 2nd Earl Poulett, 5th Baron Poulett.

On 28 May 1745 Johnathan "The Elder" Richardson (age 78) died in Bloomsbury.

On 28 May 1753 Henry Hyde (age 42) died at Paris [Map]. Baron Hyde of Hindon in Wiltshire 1660 extinct. Or the title possibly reverted to his father Henry Hyde 2nd Earl Rochester 4th Earl Clarendon (age 80).

On 28 May 1796 Henry Thomas Cary 8th Viscount Falkland (age 30) died unmarried at the White Lion Inn. His brother Charles John Cary 9th Viscount Falkland (age 27) succeeded 9th Viscount Falkland.

On 28 May 1814 William Eden 1st Baron Auckland (age 69) died. His son George Eden 1st Earl Auckland (age 29) succeeded 2nd Baron Auckland of West Auckland.

On 28 May 1847 Henry Hoppner Meyer (age 66) died.

On 28 May 1940 Frederick Charles I King Finland (age 72) died.