Hanged, drawn and quartered

Hanged, drawn and quartered is in Executions.

1307 Battle of Loch Ryan and the Execution of the Bruce Brothers

1381 Peasants' Revolt

1388 Merciless Parliament

1408 Battle of Bramham Moor

1437 Assassination of King James I of Scotland

1441 Trial and Punishment of Eleanor Cobham

1535 Execution of Bishop Fisher and Thomas More

1536 Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

1536 Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

1537 Lincolnshire Rising

1541 Catherine Howard Tyburn Executions

1544 Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

1550 Prayer Book Rebellion

1553 Trial and Execution of Lady Jane Grey's Supporters

1583 Somerville Plot

1606 Gunpowder Plot

1641 Irish Rebellion

1660 Trial and Execution of the Regicides

1661 Execution of the Fifth Monarchists

1662 Trial and Execution of Henry Vane "The Younger"

1678 Popish Plot

1684 Rye House Plot

1685 Argyll's Rising

1715 Battle of Preston

Hanged, drawn and quartered. Sometimes drawn, hanged and quartered. Drawn can refer to being drawn on a hurdle to the place of execution, or being disembowelled. Frequently included castration and beheading.

On 03 Oct 1283 Dafydd ap Gruffudd Aberffraw Prince of Wales (age 45) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Shrewsbury, Shropshire [Map]. The first prominent person known to have suffered being hanged, drawn and quartered. Dafydd (age 45) was dragged through the streets of Shrewsbury, Shropshire [Map] attached to a horse's tail, then hanged alive, revived, then disembowelled and his entrails burned before him for "his sacrilege in committing his crimes in the week of Christ's passion", and then his body cut into four-quarters "for plotting the king's death". Geoffrey of Shrewsbury was paid 20 shillings for carrying out the act.

Battle of Loch Ryan and the Execution of the Bruce Brothers

On 09 Feb 1307 the Battle of Loch Ryan was a victory of local forces, led by Dungal MacDowall, supporter of King Edward I, over a force consisting of 1000 men and eighteen galleys led by Thomas Bruce (age 23) and Alexander Bruce (age 22), brothers of Robert "The Bruce" I King Scotland (age 32), supported by Malcolm McQuillan, Lord of Kintyre, and Sir Reginald Crawford. Only two galleys escaped. Malcolm McQuillan was captured an summarily executed.

Thomas Bruce (age 23), Alexander Bruce (age 22) and Reginald Crawford were hanged (possibly hanged, drawn and quartered) at Carlisle, Cumberland [Map].

On 28 Feb 1347 John Graham Earl Menteith was hanged, drawn and quartered by direct orders of King Edward I to whom he had previously sworn fealty.

Peasants' Revolt

On 15 Jul 1381 John Ball was hanged, drawn and quartered in St Albans, Hertfordshire [Map] in the presence of King Richard II of England (age 14).

Merciless Parliament

On 03 Feb 1388 the Merciless Parliament commenced. It ended on 04 Jun 1388. Its primary function was to prosecute members of the Court of King Richard II of England (age 21). The term "Merciless" is contemporary having been coined by the chronicler Henry Knighton.

Michael de la Pole 1st Earl Suffolk (age 58) was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered in his absence. He had escaped to France.

Archbishop Alexander Neville (age 47) was found guilty of treason and it was determined to imprison him for life in Rochester Castle, Kent [Map]. He fled to Louvain [Map] where he became a parish priest for the remainder of his life.

On 19 Feb 1388 Robert Tresilian was hanged naked and his throat cut. See Chronicle of Adam of Usk.

On 25 Mar 1388 Nicholas Brembre was hanged. He was buried at Christ Church Greyfriars [Map].

On 05 May 1388 Simon Burley (age 48) was executed despite the protestations of his friend Edmund of Langley 1st Duke of York (age 46). See Chronicle of Adam of Usk.

On 12 May 1388 John Beauchamp 1st Baron Beauchamp (age 69) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. He was buried at Worcester Cathedral [Map]. Baron Beauchamp of Kidderminster forfeit.

Robert de Vere 1st Duke Ireland (age 26) was attainted.

Battle of Bramham Moor

On 19 Feb 1408 Thomas Rokeby's force of Yorkshire levies defeated the Percy army during the Battle of Bramham Moor bringing to an end the Percy rebellion.

Henry Percy 1st Earl of Northumberland (age 66) was killed. His body was afterwards hanged, drawn and quartered, his head being sent to London bridge and his quarters to diverse places. His grandson Henry Percy 2nd Earl of Northumberland (age 15) succeeded 5th Baron Percy of Alnwick, 13th Baron Percy of Topcliffe.

Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 38) was killed. Baron Bardolf of Wormegay in Norfolk had been forfeited in 1406 when Thomas Bardolf 5th Baron Bardolf (age 38) was declared a traitor. It was restored on 19 Jul 1408 to his two daughters Anne Bardolf Baroness Cobham Sternborough (age 18) and Joan Bardolf (age 17) and their husbands William Clifford (age 33) and William Phelip (age 25).

Assassination of King James I of Scotland

On 26 Mar 1437 Walter Stewart 1st Earl Atholl 3rd Earl Caithness (age 77) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Edinburgh Castle [Map] for having conspired to assassinate King James I of Scotland (deceased). He had unbarred the doors to the royal apartments, permitting assassins to enter the King's lodging. Earl Atholl and Earl Caithness forfeit by attainder.

Chronicle of Gregory 1438. 04 Jun 1438. Ande the same year the iiij day of June certayne men of Kentte were a-reste at Maydestone [Map] for rysynge, and v. of them were drawe, hanggyde, and quarteryde, and be-heddyde, and her heddys were sette on Londyn Brygge [Map]; and some of her heddys at Cauntyrbury [Map] and in othyr certayne townys in Kente a boute in the schyre, for to cause men to be ware. And that year was grete dyrthe of corne, for a buschclle of whete was worthe ij s vj d. And that year was grete pestylaunce, and namely in the northe contraye.

Trial and Punishment of Eleanor Cobham

On 18 Nov 1441, Saturday, Roger Bolingbroke was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map].

Chronicle of Gregory 1445. 1445. Ande in that same year was a Parlyment holdyn at Westemyster, and same year there was on Wylliam Nete, yeman of the Quenys charyetes, drawyn and hanggyd in Horse Downe for sleyng of a damselle callyd Johne Gooche.

Chronicle of Gregory 1447. 31 Jan 1447. Ande in that same year there was an armyrer and his owne man fought whythe yn the lystys in Smethefylde [Map] the laste day of Januer, ande there the mayster was slayne and dyspoylyde out of his harnys, and lay stylle in the fylde alle that day and that nyght next folowynge. And thenne afty[r]ward, by the kyngys (age 25) commaundement, he was d[r]awyn, hanggyde, and be-heddyde, and his hedde sette on London Brygge [Map], and the body hynggyng a-bove erthe be-syde the towre.

Chronicle of Gregory 1447. 14 Jul 1447. And on Fryday the xiiij day of Juylle nexte folowynge by jugement at Westemyster, there by fore v [5] personys were dampnyd to be drawe, hanggyd and her bowellys i-brente by fore hem, and thenne her heddys to ben smetyn of, ande thenne to be quarteryde, and every parte to be sende unto dyvers placys by assygnement of the jugys. Whyche personys werethes: Arteys the bastarde of the said Duke of Glouceter, Syr Rogger Chambyrlayne knyght, Mylton squyer, Thomas Harberde squyer, Nedam yeman, whyche were the said xiiij day of Juylle i-drawe fro Syn Gorgys thoroughe out Sowthewerke and on Londyn Brygge [Map], ande so forthe thorowe the cytte of London to the Tyborne [Map], and there alle they were hanggyde, and the ropys smetyn a-sondyr, they beynge alle lyvynge, and thenne, ar any more of any markys of excecusyon were done, the Duke of Sowthefolke (age 50) brought them alle yn generalle pardon and grace from our lord and sovereign King Harry the vj (age 25)te.

Chronicle of Gregory 1450. 02 Feb 1450. Ande the same year, on Candylmas daye, the King was at Cauntyrbury, and whythe him was the Duke of Excetyr (age 19), the Duke of Somersette (age 44), my Lord of Schrofuysbury (age 67), whythe many moo othyr lordys and many justyces; and there they helde the cessyons iiij dayes, and there were dampnyde many men of the captayne is men for her rysyng, and for her talkyng a gayne the kyng, havynge more favyr unto the Duke of Yorke (age 38) thenne unto the King. And the dampnyde men were drawe, hanggyde, and quarteryde, but they were pardonnyde to be buryde, botlie her quarters of bodys and her heddys with alle.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1485-1509. 22 Jun 1497. This yeare was Blackheath [Map] feild in June.e The Lord Awdley (age 34) chiefe capteyn with 30,000 Cornishe men. The capteynes put to death,f.

Note e. June 22nd.

Note f. Lord Audley (age 34) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]; Flammock, an attorney, and Michel Joseph, a blacksmith, were hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyburn [Map]; all the rest were pardoned by proclamation.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1510-1519. 30 Apr 1517. This yeare, on Thursday, the last day of Aprill, there was an insurrection of yonge men and aprentises in London.a And the Munday after, beinge the 4 of Maye, there was brought from the Tower of London to the Guyld-hall 54 persons,b and there were indited. And the morrowe after a 11 persons were judged to death; fower of them to be hanged, drawne, and their bowells brent, and then quartered, which was so done; one of them at Blanck Chappeltone,c another at Leaden Hall [Map], and two at the Standerd [Map] in Cheepe. And the other 7 were hanged on other gallowes which were sett up in divers places within the Cittie of London.

Note a. A fuller account of this uprising of the London Apprentices will be found in Hall and Stow.

Note b. 278 prisoners were arraigned before the Commissioners at Guildhall, of whom 13 were capitally executed. — Hall.

Note c. Blanche-Chapelton, i.e. Whitechapel.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1520-1529. 1524. This yeare there were three persons, viz. Charles, sometyme master of the Kinges henchmen, and one Pickeringe, sometyme of the King's bakehowse, and one Thomas, a servinge man, latelie come from the Rhodesa which were drawne to Tiburne [Map], and there hanged, their bowells brent afore them, and after quartered, their heades sett on London bridge, and their quarters hanged at divers gates of the Cittie, which persons made an insurrection in Coventree [Map].b

Note a. The Isle of Rhodes, which was this year taken by the Turks.

Note b. The account of this conspiracy is more circumstantially related in Hall's Chronicle, ed. 1809, p. 673.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1530-1539. Dec 1531. This yeare Mr. Risse (age 23)c was beheaded at Tower hill, and one that was his servante was drawne from the Tower of London to Tibume [Map], where he was hanged, his bowells burnt, and his bodie quartered.

Note c. "Griffeth Rise (age 23) beheaded for treason."— Fabyan's Chronicle.

On 04 May 1535 John Houghton (age 48) was hanged, drawn and quartered.

Hall's Chronicle 1535. 19 Jun 1535. And the nineteenth day of June was three monks of the Charterhouse hanged, drawn, and quartered at Tyborne [Map] and their quarters set up about London or denying the King to be Supreme Head of the Church. Their names were Exmewe, Myddlemore, and Nudigate. These men when they were arraigned at Westminster, behaved themselves very stiffly and stubbornly, for hearing their inditement read how traitorously they had spoken against the King’s Majesty his crown and dignity, they neither blushed nor bashed at it, but very foolishly and hypocritically acknowledged their treason which maliciously they avouched, having no learning for their defence, but rather being asked diverse questions, they used a malicious silence, thinking as by their examinations afterward in the Tower of London it did appear, for so they said, that they thought those men which was the Lord Cromwell (age 50) and other that there sat upon them in judgement to be heretics and not of the Church of God, and therefore not worthy to be either answered or spoken unto. And therefore as they deserved, they received as you have heard before.

Execution of Bishop Fisher and Thomas More

Before 22 Jun 1535 Thomas Audley 1st Baron Audley Walden (age 47) presided over the trial of Bishop John Fisher (age 65) and Thomas More (age 57) both of whom refused to take the Oath Of Supremacy. The judges including Anne Boleyn's father Thomas Boleyn 1st Earl Wiltshire and Ormonde (age 58). Thomas Cromwell 1st Earl Essex (age 50) brought Richard Rich 1st Baron Rich (age 38) as a witness who testified that Thomas More (age 57) had denied that the King was the legitimate head of the Church. However, Richard Southwell (age 32) to the contrary.

The jury took, somewhat unsurprisingly, only fifteen minutes to conclude Thomas More (age 57) was guilty. He was sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered; the King (age 43) commuted this to beheading.

Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. Item, the 12th daie of Maie, 1536, being Fridaie, their were arraygned at Westminster [Map]g Sir Frances Weston (age 25), knight, Henrie Norrisy (age 54) esquier, Brerton, and Markes (age 24), being all fower of the Kinges Privie Chamberh, and their condemned of high treason against the Kinge (age 44) for using fornication with Queene Anne (age 35), wife to the Kinge, and also for conspiracie of the Kinges death, and their judged to be hanged, drawen, and quartered, their members cutt of and brent [burned] before theim, their heades cutt of and quartered; my Lord Chauncelor (age 48) being the highest Commissioner he geving their judgment, with other lordes of the Kinges Counsell being presente at the same tyme.

Note g. They were tried by a Commission of Oyer and Terminer in Westminster Hall, after having been twice indicted. True bills were found by the two grand juries of the counties of Kent and Middlesex, the crimes they were charged with being said to be done in both counties.

Note h. Sir Francis Western and William Brereton, esq. of the King's Privy Chamber. Henry Norris, Groom of the Stole, and one Mark Smeton, a musician.

Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1536. 15 May 1536. After this, immediately the Lord of Rocheforde (age 33), her brother, was arreigned for treason, which was for knowinge the Queene, his sister, carnallie, moste detestable against the la we of God and nature allso, and treason to his Prince, and allso for conspiracie of the Kinges death: Whereunto he made aunswere so prudentlie and wiselie to all articles layde against him, that manreil it was to heare, and never would confesse anye thinge, but made himselfe as cleare as though he had never offended. Howbeit he was there condemned by 26 lordes and barons of treason, and then my Lord of Northfolke (age 63) gave him this judgment: That he should goo agayne to prison in the Tower [Map] from whence he came, and to be drawne from the saide Towre of London thorowe the Cittie of London to the place of execution called Tybume [Map], and there to be hanged, beinge alyve cutt downe, and then his members cutt of and his bowells taken owt of his bodie and brent [burned] before him, and then his head cutt of and his bodie to be divided in 4 peeces, and his head and bodie to be sett at suche places as the King should assigne; and after this the court brake up for that tyme. The Major of London with certeyne Aldermen were present at this arreignment of the Queene and her brother, with the wardeins and 4 persons more of 12 of the principall craftes of London.

Lincolnshire Rising

On 02 Jun 1537 Abbot Adam Sedbar (age 35) and Prior William Wood were hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map] for their role in the Pilgrimage of Grace. Their heads were displayed on London Bridge [Map].

In 1538 Abbot Robert Hobbes was hanged, drawn and quartered outside Woburn Abbey [Map] for not supporting the Oath of Supremacy. Two of his monks, Laurence Blonham, alias Peck, and Richard Woburn, alias Barnes, were also executed as well as the vicar of Puddington.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 18 Feb 1538. This yeare, the 18th of Februarie being Mundaye, there was a yonge man, servante to the Ladye Pargetourd of London, drawne from Newgate to Tower Hill, and there was hanged, his members cutt of and bowells brent afore him, and his head cutt of, and his bodie divided in 4 peeces, which yonge man had clipped goulde [gold] to the value of £30; his head was sett on London Bridge [Map], and his quarters at diverse gates of the cittie.

Note d. Wife of Sir Thomas Pargitor, who was Lord Mayor in 1530.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 20 Feb 1538. Also, the 20th dale of Februarie, their was drawen from Newgate to Tiburne [Map] a priest, sometyme chapleyne to my Lord Beawchamp, called Sira John Alane, for treason, and also an Irishman of my Lord Garrattesb kynnered,c also for treason, which tow persons were hanged, boyld,d and quartered, their heades and quarters sett about London.

Note a. Such priests as have the addition of Sir before their Christian name were men not graduated in the Universities, being in orders but not in degrees, whilst others entitled Masters had commenced in arts. Fuller, Church Hist.

Note b. Lord Thomas Fitzgerald, executed in 1537.

Note c. kindred.

Note d. Clerical error for boweled, but omitted in Stow.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1538. 20 Mar 1538. This yeare, the 20th daie of March, being Saterdaie the second weeke of Lent, Thomas Harford, gentleman, was drawen from Newgate to Tiburne [Map] for seditious wordes of treason against the Kinges Majestie, and also a yong man called Yewer, sometyme a freeman of London of the Company of the Marchant Tailors, was drawen to Tiburne [Map] for dyminishinge the Kinges coyne, as he confessed at the gallowes, to the value of sixteene grottes, and their the said Harford and Yewer were hanged, their bowells brent, headded, and quartered.

In 1540 Vicar Griffith Clerke, vicar of Wandsworth, with his chaplain, servant, and Friar Waire, were all hanged and quartered at St. Thomas Watering [Map], most probably for denying the King's supremacy; though Stow, who mentions the fact, professes himself ignorant of the cause of their execution.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1540. 30 Jul 1540. This yeare, the thirtith daie of Julie, 1540,g were drawen from the Tower of London into Smythfield theise persons follwinge, that is to saie: Doctor Barnes,h Richard Fetherston, William Jerome, Vicar of Stepney, Doctor Edward Powell, Thomas Jerrard, Parson of Honi Lane, and Thomas Abell,a priestes, of which three of them, that is to say, Barnes, Jherome, and Garrarde, were brent for heresie,b condemned by the whole bodie of the Perliament,c and Fetherston, Powell, and Abell were hanged, their bowells brenned, headed and quartered, in the said place of Smythfield, for treason against the Kinges Majestie,d and condemned of the same by the whole Perliament.

Note g. The King's councils being at this time directed by Norfolk and Gardiner, the law of the Six Articles was enforced with rigour against the Protestants.

Note h. Robert Barnes, D.D. who had been the cause of Lambert's execution. He had drawn upon himself the resentment of Bishop Gardiner by his sermon at Paul's Cross, in which he had bitterlj inreighed against that prelate as a bigoted Roman Catholic.

Note a. Thomas Abley in Fuller's Church History.

Note b. A stranger, standing by, did wonder, as well he might, of what religion the King was, his sword cutting on both sides, Protestants being burnt for heretics, and Papists hanged for traitors.— Fuller's Church History, p. 285.

Note c. They were condemned by a bill of attainder in parliament, without trial.

Note d. For denying the King's supremacy, and affirming his marriage with Queen Katharine to be good, of the which argument Dr. Powell wrote a book, printed in quarto, and I'have seen it. — Stow.

Catherine Howard Tyburn Executions

Wyatt's Rebellion Executions

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Feb 1544. The xiiij day of Feybruary wher hangyd at evere gatt and plasse: in Chepe-syd vj; Algatt [Map] j, quartered; at Leydynhall [Map] iij; at Bysshope-gatt [Map] on, and quartered; Morgatt one; Crepullgatt [Map] one; Aldersgatt on, quartered; Nuwgat [Map] on, quartered; Ludgatt on; Belyngat iij hangyd; Sant Magnus iij hangyd; Towre hyll [Map] ij. hangyd; Holborne iij hangyd; Flettstret [Map] iij hangyd; at Peper alley gat iij; Barunsaystret iij; Sant Gorgus iij; Charyng crosse [Map] iiij, on Boyth the fottman, and Vekars of the gard, and ij moo; at Hydparke corner iij, on Polard a waterbeyrar; theys iij hanges in chynes; and but vij quartered, and ther bodys and heds set a-pon the gattes of London.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 14 Feb 1554. 14 Feb 1544. The 14 of February divers of the rebells were putt to death, that is to saye, Bothe, one of the Queenes footemen, one Vicars, a Yeoman of the Garde, great John Norton, and one Kinge, were hanged at Charinge Crosse [Map]. And three of the rebells, one called Pollarde, were hanged at the parke pale by Hide Parke; three allso in Fleet street, one at Ludgate, one at Bishopsgate [Map], one at Newgate [Map], one at Aldgate [Map], three at the Crosse [Map] in Cheape, three at Soper Lane ende in Chepe, and three in Smithfield [Map], which persons hanged still all that daye and night tyll the next morninge, and then cutt downe.a And the bodies of them that were hanged at the gates were quartered at Newgate [Map], and the heades and bodies hanged over the gates where they suffred.

Note a. The Grey Friares Chronicle (p. 88) adds "the whych ware of London that fled from the Dnke of Norfoke."

After 22 Feb 1554 Henry Isley (age 54) was hanged, drawn and quartered. His head was sent to Maidstone, Kent [Map].

Wriothesley's Chronicle 11 Apr 1554. 11 Apr 1554. The xi of Aprill Sir Tho. Wyatt (age 33), cheefe capteyne of the late Wyatt putt to death, rebellion in Kent, was beheaded at Towrehill [Map], at ix of the clock in the foorenoone, and his bodie after quartered on the scaffolde. His head was sett on the gallowes at the parke pale beyond St. James,a where Pollard and two other were hanged in chaynes. And his 4 quarters were hanged on gibbetts in chaynes at 4 severall places without the Liberties of the Cittie.

Note a. The Grey Friars' Chronicle (p. 89) adds: "and the hed with the qwarter was stolne awaye."

Henry Machyn's Diary. 11 Apr 1554. The xj day of Aprell was heddyd ser Thomas [Wyatt of Kentt,] (age 33) the cheyffe captayn of the rebellyous of [Kent, be-] twyn ix and x of the cloke a-for none, on Towre hyll [Map], .... after and by xj of the cloke was he quartered on the skaffold, and hys bowelles and ys members burnt be-syd the skaffold; .... and so ther was a care and a baskett, and the iiij quarters and hed was putt in-to a baskett to nuwgat to be parboyled.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 1547. The first daie of Julie Thomas Moundaie, person of Sainct Leonardes in Foster Lane, and Thurstame Hikeman, clearke, and late monke of the Charter Howse in London, were arraigned at the Guild Hall for treason, which was for the conveying of one John Foxe, parson of Sainct Marie Mawdlaine, in the warde Queenehith, which was late a monke of the Charterhouse in London, and fleed out of this realme the third daie of Aprill last, and sythence is professed a monke in Loven [Map]; which said Foxe had kept the left arme of one John Houghton, late prior of the Charterhowse in London which suffred death for treason, denying the Kinges supremacy, in anno 25 Henrici VIII.; and the said Moundaie and Hikeraan shold have conveyged the said arme with other baggage that they called reliques over sea to the said Fox as they had promised, for which treason the said Moundaie and Hikeman were this daie first endited, and after condemned of high treason, and had judgment to be hanged, drawen, and quartered like treason.

Prayer Book Rebellion

Annales of England by John Stow. 27 Jan 1550. the 27 of January, Humfrey Arundell (age 37) esquire, Thomas Holmes, Winslowe and Bery, captaines of the rebels in Devonshire, were hanged and quartered at Tyboure [Map].

Annales of England by John Stow. 10 Feb 1550. The 10 of February one Bel a Suffolke man, was hanged and quartered at Tyborne [Map], for moving a new rebellion in Suffolk and Essex.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 14 Mar 1551. The sam day was cared in-to Norfoke on Wyth, a grett ryche man, and he was condemnyth to be drane and hangyd, for the besenes that was done in Norffoke, at ys owne dore.

Trial and Execution of Lady Jane Grey's Supporters

On 22 Aug 1553 John Dudley 1st Duke Northumberland (age 49) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map]. Duke Northumberland, Earl Warwick and Viscount Lisle forfeit. John Dudley 2nd Earl Warwick (age 26), his son, was also attainted, with the Earldom of Warwick forfeit.

Thomas Palmer and John Gates (age 49) were hanged, drawn and quartered.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 13 Jan 1554. The xiij day of January ther was a man drane from the Towre [Map] thrugh London a-pone a sled unto Tyborne [Map], and ther hangyd, dran, and quartered, for conterffeytyng the quen('s) senett [signet].

Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 May 1554. The xviij day of May was drane a-pone a sled a proper man namyd Wylliam Thomas from the Towre [Map] unto Tyborne [Map]; the .. he was clarke to the consell; and he was hangyd, and after ys hed stryken of, and then quartered; and the morow after ys hed was sett on London bryge, and iij quarters set over Crepullgate.

On 18 May 1554 William Thomas Scholar was hanged, beheaded, and quartered.

Wriothesley's Chronicle 18 May 1554. 18 May 1554. Fridaye the xviiith of May William Thomas was drawne from the Tower of London [Map] to Tiburne [Map], and there hanged, headed, and quartered, and after his head sett on London Bridge [Map], and his quarters sett in 4 severall places, one myle out of the Cittie of London.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 04 Mar 1556. [The iiij of March a young man named Fetherstone, who gave himself out to be King Edward the Sixth, and whose sayings and pretences had occasioned many men and women to be punished, was hanged, drawn, and quartered;] and ys hed was sett up the v day upon London bryge, and ys quarters was bered.

Note. P. 101. Execution of Fetherston. Stowe gives the date of this as the 12th of March.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 19 May 1556. The xix day of May was dran [drawn] from the Towre unto Tyborne [Map] captain Wylliam Stantun, and ther hangyd and quartered, and ys hed sett on London bryge the morow after.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 06 Jun 1556. The ix day of June was drane from the Towre unto Tyborne [Map] iij gentyllmen for a consperace, master Rosey, master Bedylle, and master Dethyke, and ther hangyd and quartered, and ther quarters bered, master Rosey('s) hed on London bryge, and Bedylle('s) hed over Ludgatt, and master Dethyke('s) over Althergatt.

Henry Machyn's Diary. 18 Jun 1556. The sam day was raynyd [arraigned] at Yeld-halle for a consperace master Frances Varney and captayn Tornar, and thay cast to be drane, [drawn] hangyd, and quartered.

1583 Somerville Plot

On 20 Dec 1583 Edward Arden (age 50) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Smithfield [Map] for having plotted against Queen Elizabeth I of England and Ireland (age 50) with his son-in-law John Somerville (deceased) who had implicated him during torture. He was tried by Christopher Wray (age 59).

On 07 Jun 1594 Roderigo Lopes (age 77), Ferreira da Gama and Tinoco were Hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map]. Lopes' property was forfeited on his attainder.

Gunpowder Plot

On 30 Jan 1606 Everard Digby (age 28) and Robert Wintour (age 38) were hanged, drawn and quartered at Old St Paul's Cathedral Churchyard [Map]

On 31 Jan 1606 at Old St Paul's Cathedral Churchyard [Map] Thomas Wintour (age 35) and Guy Fawkes (age 35) were hanged, drawn and quartered.

On 07 Apr 1606 Humphrey Lyttelton (age 44) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Red Hill, Worcester for his involvement in the Gunpowder Plot.

Diary of Anne Clifford 1619. 03 May 1619. The 3rd about two or three o’clock in the morning Sir Arthur Lake’s (age 21) wife (age 30) died, having been grievously tormented a long time with pains and sores which broke out in blotches so that it was reported she died of the French disease. This day Williams a lawyer was arraigned and condemned at the King’s Bench of Treason and adjudged to be hanged, drawn and quartered for a certain book he had made and entitled Balaam’s Ass, for which book one Cotton was committed to the Tower and a long time kept prisoner there upon suspicion of it, but of late got out on bail and was now well acquitted, but Williams was carried to Newgate and on the 5th hanged, drawn and quartered at Charing Cross [Map].

Note. The 3rd Barnwelt was beheaded at the Hague which is like to breed alteration for the best for this man hath long been a secret friend to the Spaniards and an enemy to the English.

1641 Irish Rebellion

In 1645 Connor Maguire 2nd Baron of Enniskillen (age 29) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map].

On 10 Mar 1653 Phelim Roe O'Neill of Kinard (age 49) was hanged, drawn and quartered for treason.

Pepy's Diary. 10 Oct 1660. Office day all the morning. In the afternoon with the upholster seeing him do things to my mind, and to my content he did fit my chamber and my wife's. At night comes Mr. Moore, and staid late with me to tell me how Sir Hards. Waller (age 56)1 (who only pleads guilty), Scott, Coke, Peters, Harrison2, &c. were this day arraigned at the bar at the Sessions House, there being upon the bench the Lord Mayor, General Monk (age 51), my Lord of Sandwich, &c.; such a bench of noblemen as had not been ever seen in England! They all seem to be dismayed, and will all be condemned without question.

Note 1. Sir Hardress Waller (age 56), Knt., one of Charles I judges. His sentence was commuted to imprisonment for life.

Note 2. General Thomas Harrison (age 44), son of a butcher at Newcastle-under-Lyme, appointed by Cromwell to convey Charles I from Windsor to Whitehall, in order to his trial. He signed the warrant for the execution of the King. He was hanged, drawn and quartered on the 13th.

1660 Trial and Execution of the Regicides

On 13 Oct 1660 General Thomas Harrison (age 44) was hanged, drawn and quartered for his role in the regicide of King Charles I.

Pepy's Diary. 15 Oct 1660. Office all the morning. my wife and I by water; I landed her at Whitefriars, she went to my father's (age 59) to dinner, it being my father's (age 59) wedding day, there being a very great dinner, and only the Fenners and Joyces there. This morning Mr. Carew (age 38)1 was hanged and quartered at Charing Cross; but his quarters, by a great favour, are not to be hanged up.

Note 1. John Carew (age 38) signed the warrant for the execution of Charles I He held the religion of the Fifth Monarchists, and was tried October 12th, 1660. He refused to avail himself of many opportunities of escape, and suffered death with much composure.

On 16 Oct 1660 Hugh Peter (age 62) and John Cook (age 52) were hanged, drawn and quartered at Charing Cross [Map].

On 17 Oct 1660 Gregory Clement (age 66), Adrian Scrope (age 59), John Jones (age 63) and Thomas Scot were hanged, drawn and quartered at Charing Cross [Map].

On 19 Oct 1660 at Tyburn [Map] ...

Daniel Axtell (age 38) was hanged, drawn and quartered. His head was set on Westminster Hall [Map].

Francis Hacker was hanged. His body was returned to his friends for burial.

Pepy's Diary. 19 Oct 1660. Office in the morning. This morning my dining-room was finished with green serge hanging and gilt leather, which is very handsome. This morning Hacker and Axtell (age 38) were hanged and quartered, as the rest are. This night I sat up late to make up my accounts ready against to-morrow for my Lord. I found him to be above £80 in my debt, which is a good sight, and I bless God for it.

Pepy's Diary. 13 Oct 1660. To my Lord's in the morning, where I met with Captain Cuttance, but my Lord not being up I went out to Charing Cross, to see Major-general Harrison (age 44) hanged, drawn and quartered; which was done there, he looking as cheerful as any man could do in that condition. He was presently cut down, and his head and heart shown to the people, at which there was great shouts of joy. It is said, that he said that he was sure to come shortly at the right hand of Christ to judge them that now had judged him; and that his wife do expect his coming again.

Pepy's Diary. 20 Oct 1660. This afternoon, going through London, and calling at Crowe's the upholster's, in Saint Bartholomew's, I saw the limbs of some of our new traitors set upon Aldersgate, which was a sad sight to see; and a bloody week this and the last have been, there being ten hanged, drawn and quartered. Home, and after writing a letter to my uncle by the post, I went to bed.

Execution of the Fifth Monarchists

On 19 Jan 1661 Thomas Venner was hanged, drawn and quartered for his leading Venner's Uprising aka the Fifth Monarchists.

Pepy's Diary. 19 Apr 1662. This morning, before we sat, I went to Aldgate; and at the corner shop, a draper's, I stood, and did see Barkestead, Okey, and Corbet, drawn towards the gallows at Tiburne; and there they were hanged and quartered. They all looked very cheerful; but I hear they all die defending what they did to the King (age 31) to be just; which is very strange.

Trial and Execution of Henry Vane "The Younger"

On 14 Jun 1662 Henry Vane "The Younger" (age 49) was beheaded at Tower Hill [Map] for treason against King Charles II (age 32). He had been sentenced to be hanged, drawn and quartered, however, King Charles II (age 32) commuted the sentence to beheading.

Pepy's Diary. 05 Apr 1668. Lord's Day. Up, and to my chamber, and there to the writing fair some of my late musique notions, and so to church, where I have not been a good while, and thence home, and dined at home, with W. Hewer (age 26) with me; and after dinner, he and I a great deal of good talk touching this Office, how it is spoiled by having so many persons in it, and so much work that is not made the work of any one man, but of all, and so is never done; and that the best way to have it well done, were to have the whole trust in one, as myself, to set whom I pleased to work in the several businesses of the Office, and me to be accountable for the whole, and that would do it, as I would find instruments: but this is not to be compassed; but something I am resolved to do about Sir J. Minnes (age 69) before it be long. Then to my chamber again, to my musique, and so to church; and then home, and thither comes Captain Silas Taylor (age 43) to me, the Storekeeper of Harwich [Map], where much talk, and most of it against Captain Deane (age 34), whom I do believe to be a high, proud fellow; but he is an active man, and able in his way, and so I love him. He gone, I to my musique again, and to read a little, and to sing with Mr. Pelling, who come to see me, and so spent the evening, and then to supper and to bed. I hear that eight of the ringleaders in the late tumults of the 'prentices at Easter are condemned to die1.

Note 1. Four were executed on May 9th, namely, Thomas Limmerick, Edward Cotton, Peter Massenger, and Richard Beasley. They were drawn, hanged, and quartered at Tyburn [Map], and two of their heads fixed upon London Bridge [Map] ("The London Gazette", No. 259). See "The Tryals of such persons as under the notion of London Apprentices were tumultuously assembled in Moore Fields [Map], under colour of pulling down bawdy-houses", 4to., London, 1668. "It is to be observed", says "The London Gazette", "to the just vindication of the City, that none of the persons apprehended upon the said tumult were found to be apprentices, as was given out, but some idle persons, many of them nursed in the late Rebellion, too readily embracing any opportunity of making their own advantages to the disturbance of the peace, and injury of others".

Popish Plot

On 03 Dec 1678 Edward Coleman (age 42) was hanged, drawn and quartered on a charge of treason having been implicated by Titus Oates (age 29).

Rye House Plot

On 20 Jun 1684 Thomas Armstrong (age 51) was dragged by hurdle to Tower Hill [Map] where he was hanged, drawn and quartered for his involvement in the Rye House Plot.

Argyll's Rising

On 30 Oct 1685 John Ayloffe (age 40) was hanged, drawn and quartered at Temple Bar for his part in the Argyll's Rising.

1715 Battle of Preston

The 1715 Battle of Preston was the final action of the 1715 Jacobite Rebellion. It commenced on 09 Nov 1715 when Jacobite cavalry entered Preston, Lancashire [Map]. Royalist troops arrived in number over the next few days surrounding Preston forcing the Jaocbite surrender. 1463 were taken prisoner of which 463 were English. The Scottish prisoners included:

George Seton 5th Earl of Winton (age 37). The only prisoner to plead not guilty, sentenced to death, escaped from the Tower of London [Map] on 04 Aug 1716 around nine in the evening. Travelled to France then to Rome.

On 24 Feb 1716 William Gordon 6th Viscount Kenmure was beheaded on Tower Hill [Map].

On 09 Feb 1716 William Maxwell 5th Earl Nithsale was sentenced to be executed on 24 Feb 1716. The night before his wife (age 35) effected his escape from the Tower of London [Map] by exchanging his clothes with those of her maid. They travelled to Paris then to Rome where the court of James "Old Pretender" Stewart (age 26) was.

James Radclyffe 3rd Earl Derwentwater (age 25) was imprisoned in the Tower of London [Map]. He was examined by the Privy Council on 10 Jan 1716 and impeached on 19 Jan 1716. He pleaded guilty in the expectation of clemency. He was attainted and condemned to death. Attempts were made to procure his pardon. His wife Anna Maria Webb Countess Derwentwater (age 23), her sister Mary Webb Countess Waldegrave (age 20) [Note. Assumed to be her sister Mary], their aunt Anne Brudenell Duchess Richmond (age 44), Barbara Villiers 1st Duchess of Cleveland appealed to King George I of Great Britain and Ireland (age 54) in person without success.

On 24 Feb 1716 James Radclyffe 3rd Earl Derwentwater (age 25) was beheaded on Tower Hill [Map]. Earl Derwentwater, Baronet Radclyffe of Derwentwater in Cumberland forfeit.

William Murray 2nd Lord Nairne was tried on 09 Feb 1716 for treason, found guilty, attainted, and condemned to death. He survived long enough to benefit from the Indemnity Act of 1717.

General Thomas Forster of Adderstone (age 31) was attainted. He was imprisoned at Newgate Prison, London [Map] but escaped to France.

On 14 May 1716 Henry Oxburgh was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn [Map]. He was buried at Church of St Gile's in the Fields. His head was spiked on Temple Bar.

The trials and sentences were overseen by the Lord High Steward William Cowper 1st Earl Cowper (age 50) for which he subsequently received his Earldom.

Gunpowder Plot The Verdicts. Note. All eight Conspirators were to be hanged, drawn and quartered. The narrative provides the rationale for why this particlar punishment was applied.

The Conclusion shall be from the admirable Clemency and Moderation of the King, in that howsoever these Traitors have exceeded all others their Predecessors in Mischief, and so Crescente Malitia crescere debuit et Pæna; yet neither will the King exceed the usual Punishment of Law, nor invent any new Torture or Torment for them; but is graciously pleased to afford them as well an ordinary Course of Trial, as an ordinary Punishment, much inferior to their Offence.

And surely worthy of Observation is the Punishment by Law provided and appointed for High-Treason, which we call Crimen læsæ Majestatis. For first, after a Traitor hath had his just Trial, and is convicted and attainted, he shall have his Judgement to be drawn to the place of Execution from his Prison, as being not worthy any more to tread upon the Face of the Earth whereof he was made:

Also for that he hath been retrograde to Nature, therefore is he drawn backward at a Horse-Tail. And whereas God hath made the Head of Man the highest and most supreme Part, as being his chief Grace and Ornament, Pronaque cum spectent Animalia cætera terram, Os homini sublime dedit; he must be drawn with his Head declining downward, and lying so near the Ground as may be, being thought unfit to take benefit of the common Air. For which Cause also he shall be strangled, being hanged up by the Neck between Heaven and Earth, as deemed unworthy of both, or either; as likewise, that the Eyes of Men may behold, and their Hearts contemn him. Then he is to be cut down alive, and to have his Privy Parts cut off and burnt before his Face, as being unworthily begotten, and unfit to leave any Generation after him. His Bowels and inlay'd Parts taken out and burnt, who inwardly had conceived and harboured in his heart such horrible Treason. After, to have his Head cut off, which had imagined the Mischief. And lastly, his Body to be quartered, and the Quarters set up in some high and eminent Place, to the View and Detestation of Men, and to become a Prey for the Fowls of the Air.

And this is a Reward due to Traitors, whose Hearts be hardened: For that it is Physic of State and Government, to let out corrupt Blood from the Heart. But, Pænitentia vera numquam, sera sed pænitentia sera raro vera: True Repentance is indeed never too late; but late Repentance is seldom found true: Which yet I pray the merciful Lord to grant unto them, that having a Sense of their Offences, they may make a true and sincere ConFession both for their Souls Health, and for the Good and Safety of the King and this State. And for the rest that are not yet apprehended, my Prayer to God is, Ut aut convertantur ne pereant, aut confundantur ne noceant; that either they may be converted, to the End they perish not, or else confounded, that they hurt not.

After this by the Direction of Master Attorney-General, were their several Examinations (subscribed by themselves) shewed particularly unto them, and acknowledged by them to be their own, and true, wherein every one had confessed the Treason. Then did Master Attorney desire, That albeit that which had been already done and confessed at the Bar, might be all-sufficient for the Declaration and Justification of the Course of Justice then held, especially seeing we have Reos confitentes, the Traitors own voluntary ConFessions at the Bar; yet for further Satisfaction to so great a Presence and Audience, and their better Memory of the Carriage of these Treasons, the voluntary and free ConFessions of all the said several Traitors in writing subscribed with their own proper Hands, and acknowledged at the Bar, by themselves to be true, were openly and distinctly read; By which, amongst other things, it appeared that Bates was absolved for what he undertook concerning the Powder-Treason, and being therein warranted by the Jesuits. Also it appeared, that Hammond the Jesuit, after that he knew the Powder-Treason was discovered, and that these Traitors had been in actual Rebellion, confessed them, and gave them Absolution: And this was on Thursday the 7th of November.

Here also was Mention made by Master Attorney of the ConFessions of Watson and Clarke, Seminary Priests, upon their Apprehension; who affirmed, that there was some Treason intended by the Jesuits, and then in Hand; as might appear.

Note 1 By their continual negotiating at that Time with Spain, which they assured themsleves tended to nothing but a preparation for a foreign Commotion.

Note 2 By their collecting and gathering together such great Sums of Money, as then they had done, therewith to levy an Army when Time should serve.

Note 3 For that sundry of the Jesuits had been tampering with Catholicks, as well to dissuade them from Acceptance of the King at his first coming, saying, That they ought rather to Die, than to admit of any Heretick (as they continually termed his Majesty) to the Crown; and that they might not, under pain of Excommunication, accept of any but a Catholick for their Sovereign; as also to dissuade Catholicks from their Loyalty after the State was settled.

Lastly, In that they had both bought up store of great Horses throughout the Country, and conveyed Powder and Shot, and Artillery secretly to their Friends; wishing them not stir, but keep themselves quiet until they heard from them.

After the reading of their several Examinations, ConFessions, and voluntary Declaration as well of themselves, as of some of their dead Confederates, they were all by the Verdict of the Jury found guilty of the Treasons contained in their Indictment.

Old and New London Volume 6 Chaper XIX The Old Kent Road. St. Thomas à Watering [Map] was once the boundary of the City liberties, and in the "olden time," when the lord mayor and sheriffs "in great state" crossed the water to open Southwark Fair and to inspect the City boundaries, the City magistrates continued either to St. George's Church, Newington Bridge, or "to the stones pointing out the City liberties at St. Thomas à Watering." The precise situation was as near as possible that part of the Old Kent Road which is intersected by the Albany Road, and the memory of the place is still kept alive by St. Thomas's Road, close by, and by the tavern-signs in the neighbourhood. "At the commencement of the present century," writes Mr. Blanch, in his history of "Ye Parishe of Cam[b]erwell," "there was a stream here which served as a common sewer, across which a bridge was built; and in going from Camberwell into Newington or Southwark, it was not unusual for people to say they were going over the water. The current from the Peckham hills was at times so strong as to overflow at least two acres of ground."

St. Thomas à Waterings was situated close to the second milestone on the Old Kent Road, and was so called from a brook or spring, dedicated to St. Thomas à Becket. Chaucer's pilgrims, as we have seen in a previous chapter, passed it on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas à Becket at Canterbury:-

"And forth we riden a litel more than pas,

Unto the watering of Seint Thomàs,

And then our host began his hors arrest."

Ben Jonson, in The New Inn, makes mention of the spot in the following lines:-

"These are the arts

Or seven liberal deadly sciences,

Of pagery, or rather paganism,

Note A. the tides run! to which if he apply him,

He may perhaps take a degree at Tyburn

A year the earlier; come to read a lecture

Upon Aquinas at St. Thomas à Waterings."

This spot was in the old Tudor days the place of execution for the northern parts of Surrey; and here the Vicar of Wandsworth, his chaplain, and two other persons of his household, were hung, drawn, and quartered in 1539 for denying the supremacy of Henry VIII. in matters of faith.

In 1553 (January 3rd) "was caried from the Marshalleshe [Map] unto Saynt Thomas of Wateryng [Map] a talman, and went thedur with the rope a-bowt ys neke, and so he hanggd a whylle, and the rope burst, and a whylle after and then they went for a-nodur rope, and so lyke-wyss he burst ytt and fell to the ground, and so he skapyd with his lyffe."