On this Day in History ... 13th May

13 May is in May.

1483 John Russell appointed Lord Chancellor

1536 Trial of Brereton, Norris, Smeaton, and Weston

1536 Trial of Anne and George Boleyn

1568 Battle of Langside

1619 Funeral of Anne of Denmark

1688 Trial and Imprisonment of the Seven Bishops

1696 Oath of Association

1895 Rising of the North

See Births, Marriages and Deaths.

Events on the 13th May

On 13 May 1258 Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon was born to Alfonso X King Castile X King Leon (age 36) and Violante Barcelona Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 13 May 1467 John de la Pole 1st Earl Lincoln (age 5) was created 1st Earl Lincoln by King Edward IV of England (age 25).

On 13 May 1483 Bishop John Russell was appointed Lord Chancellor. He replaced Archbishop Thomas Rotherham (age 59).

Letters 1536. Titus, B. I. 444. B. M. 871. Cromwell's Remembrances.

"First for answer to be made to my lord Lyzle and letters to be written for the expelling of the Emperor's subjects." For answer to the Emperor's ambassador.

Bills be signed for Pylston, Leson, Starkey, my Lord of Sussex, and Robinson, for Bothombar. Folgeambys warrant to be signed. Letters to be written into Ireland, for a motion to be made in the Parliament for the King's great charges. Bills to be signed for Mr. Cofferer and Sir Thomas Wharton. A remembrance that all Mr. Nores' (age 54) patents may be searched out. To remember the Bishop of Llandaff's deliverance; the jewel; Besse Darell; Henry Knyvette's letters to Mr. Weston, and to young Weston's wife; Henry Knyvette's bills for the offices and the annuity. For the things that shall be done in the Parliament. An Act for the attainder of those that be perjured in Yorkshire. To remember the jury in Devonshire; my lady Guldeforde; Dotton and Done for Delamer; Sir Edward Seymour (age 36); to call for the evidence of the house at Keyew for my lady Seymour (age 27); the master of the horse; John Parker for the lands of Fulham; Dr. Tregonnell; the Charterhouse in London.

The demesnes of the Holte Castle with the weyr Houke and other pasture in Bromfeld is worth, a year, £19 17s. 9d. The horsemill and the town of the Holte, 33s. 4d. The stewardship of Bromfeld and Yale, £20 The receivership there, £13 6s. 8d. The master forestership, £3 The office of serjeant of peace, £4 The office of improver, 60s. 10d. The keepership of Marsheley Park, 60s. 10d.

Tregyan, £700 Dudeley, £700 Jenney, £666 13s. 4d.—£400 John Williams, £300 The prior of Winchester, £400—£200 Dr. Leyton, £100 —£200 Arthur Darcy, £100 Sir Edward Seymour, £300—200 mks. Sir John Gage, £200—£666 13s. Sir William Gascoyne, £4000 Sir William Berkley, £120.

Sir John Russell, £100 Thomas Wyatt, £100 Karew, Souche, and Rogers, £60 The grower, £40 The Abbot of the Vale Ryall, £200 The prior of Gisborowe, £100 Nicholas Statham, £100 Lady Lucy's executors, £20 Thomas Broke, £100 Pylston, £60 Sir Francis Bygod, £50 Delivered to my Lady Mary, £20 The King's attorney, £66 13s. 4d. Pp. 4. Mostly in Cromwell's hand.

Note 1. The names in this paragraph are written by Cromwell in a column with a certain sum opposite each name in another column to the left, which in most cases is the same as the sum written after the name. Where two amounts are given in this abstract the second is the sum in the left-hand column.

Letters 1536. 13 May 1536. Otho, C. x. 221. B. M. Hearne's Sylloge, 113. Burnet, vi. 167. 864. Earl of Northumberland (age 34) to Cromwell.

I perceive by Raynold Carnaby that there is supposed a pre-contract between the Queen (age 35) and me; "whereupon I was not only heretofore examined upon my oath before the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, but also received the blessed sacrament upon the same before the Duke of Norfolk (age 63) and other the King's highness' council learned in the spiritual law, assuring you, Mr. Secretary, by the said oath and blessed body, which afore I received and hereafter intend to receive, that the same may be to my damnation if ever there were any contract or promise of marriage between her and me." Newington Green, 13 May 28 Henry VIII. Signed. Mutilated. Add.

Archaeologia Volume 23 Section V. 13 May 1536. Deane. Know ye any thinge of the examinacyon of her?

George. Her brother and she were examined at the towre. I hearde saye he had escaped had it not byn for a Letter. Almost all the lordes that were in the realme were there. And the duke of Northfolke, uncle to them both, he was, as it was told me, in the Kynges place and Judge. It were pittie he shuld be alyve if he shuld judge them against right.

Deane. A marvelouse case, and a great fall.

George. So it was. Now Syr, because that she was a favorer of Gods worde, at the leest wise so taken, I tell you few men wolde beleve that she was so abhominable. As I be saved afore God I cowld not beleve it, afore I hearde them speake at their deeth. For there were that sayed that moch money wold haue byn layed that daye, & that great oddes, that the Lorde Ratchforde shulde haue byn quytte.

Deane. I never hearde so moch before, as that the Duke of Northfolke was judge.

George. So I hearde saye, And that the water ronne in his eyes. I blame hym not though it greved hym.

Letters 1536. 13 May 1536. R. O. 865. J. Husee to Lord Lisle (age 72).

Here is no good to be done, neither with the King nor with any of his Council, till matters now had in hand be fully achieved. Mr. Secretary had no leisure to despatch the letter for the Friar's delivery. It is useless suing to Mr. Treasurer till he have more leisure. It is believed this matter will be rid by the end of next week. Here are so many tales I cannot tell what to write. This day, some say, young Weston (age 25) shall scape, and some that none shall die but the Queen (age 35) and her brother (age 33); others, that Wyat (age 15) and Mr. Payge are as like to suffer as the others. The saying now is that those who shall suffer shall die when the Queen and her brother go to execution; but I think they shall all suffer. If any escape, it will be young Weston (age 25), for whom importunate suit is made. It is rumoured that Harry Webbe has been taken in the West country, and put in hold for the same cause. By Wednesday [May 17] all will be known. Sir Thomas Cheyne (age 51) is named Lord Warden, some say by Mr. Secretary's preferment. My Lord of Richmond (age 16) is Chamberlain of Chester and N. Wales, and Mr. Harry Knyvet, Constable of Beaumaris. If Mr. Secretary keep promise your Lordship shall have something. Today Mr. Russell was in very sad communication with Mr. Whethill. I fear I have taken a wrong pig by the ear, but I shall know by his preferring of your affairs ere long. Mr. Brian is chief gentleman of the privy chamber, and shall keep the table. There is plain saying that the King will assign the groom of the stole from time to time at his pleasure. I trust you will remember Mr. Secretary with wine and letters, and also Mr. Hennage. The King comes not to Dover at this time. There shall be both burgesses and knights of the shire for Calais. Give credence to Goodall, and keep secret what he tells you. London, 13 May. Hol., p. 1. Add.

On 13 May 1568 the army of Mary Queen of Scots (age 25) commanded by Archibald Campbell 5th Earl Argyll (age 34) was defeated by the army of the Regent her illegitimate half-brother James Stewart 1st Earl of Moray Regent (age 37).

John Campbell was killed.

William "Younger" Douglas 7th Lord Drumlanrig and Robert Seton 1st Earl Winton (age 15) fought.

Claud Hamilton 1st Lord Paisley (age 21) and George Seton 7th Lord Seton (age 37) fought for the Queen.

John Graham 6th Earl Menteith fought for the Earl of Moray.

On 13 May 1600 Anne Spring (deceased) was at St Peter's Church, Tawstock [Map]. On 21 Apr 1614 Thomas Hinson (deceased) was buried with his wife Anne Spring (deceased).

Here lyeth ye bodies of Thomas Hinson Esquire and Anne his wife: this Thomas was borne at Fordham in Cambridgeshire, and was Master of Artes & sometime fellowe of Caius Colledge in Cambridge and tutor there to the right honourable William Earle of Bathe under whome he bore afterwardes divers offices and was untill his death Surveyor & Receaver Generall of all his lands and revenewes & Likewise in Comission of the peace in the Countie of Devon: and dyed the XVIIIth of Aprill 1614.

Anne was the eldest daughter of Sr Willm Springe Knight and Cosyne German to the Earle of Bathe now livinge she had issue by the said Thomas Hinson five sonnes and nyne daughters whereof are surviving VI viz Willm Thomas Margaret Ellinor Elizabeth and Rebekah the said Anne died in the true faith of Christ the seventh of May Ano Doni 1600 .

Anne Spring: Around 1553 she was born to William Spring and Anne Elizabeth Kitson.. Before 07 May 1600 Thomas Hinson and she were married. On 07 May 1600 Anne Spring died.

Thomas Hinson: Around 1551 he was born. Around 1573 Thomas Hinson was tutor to William Bourchier 3rd Earl Bath at Caius College, Cambridge University. On 18 Apr 1614 he died.

On 13 May 1603 William Dethick (age 61) was knighted by King James I of England and Ireland and VI of Scotland (age 36).

On 13 May 1619 Anne of Denmark Queen Consort Scotland England and Ireland was buried in the north eastern area Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey [Map].

The principal mourner was Alethea Talbot Countess Arundel, Surrey and Norfolk (age 34).

Anne Carey (age 27) and Mary Woodhouse walked in the procession.

As Keeper of the Wardrobe Lionel Cranfield 1st Earl Middlesex (age 44) supervised the spending of £20,000 on the funeral.

Richard Young 1st Baronet (age 39) carried the banner roll.

Her grave has the inscription: "ANNE OF DENMARK QUEEN OF KING JAMES 1st 1619". her coffin has the inscription: "Here lies buried the Most Serene Queen Anne, consort of James, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, daughter of Frederick II, King of Denmark and Norway and of the Vandals and Goths, sister of Christian IV and mother of many Princes. She died at Hampton Court, in the year of salvation 1618, on the 4th March, aged 43 years, 4 months and 18 days."

Evelyn's Diary. 13 May 1668. Invited by that expert commander, Captain Cox, master of the lately built "Charles II" now the best vessel of the fleet, designed for the Duke of York (age 34), I went to Erith, where we had a great dinner.

On 13 May 1688 the Archbishop of Canterbury and seven bishops were imprisoned for seditious libel: Archbishop William Sancroft (age 71), Bishop Henry Compton (age 56), Bishop Francis Turner (age 50), Bishop Thomas White (age 60), Bishop Thomas Ken (age 50), Bishop John Lake (age 64), Bishop Jonathan Trelawny 3rd Baronet (age 38) and Bishop William Lloyd (age 51). Their crime was to not read the Declaration of Indulgence as required by King James II of England Scotland and Ireland (age 54).

On 13 May 1691 William Faithorne "The Elder" (age 75) died.

Evelyn's Diary. 13 May 1696. I went to London to meet my son (age 41), newly come from Ireland, indisposed. Money still continuing exceedingly scarce, so that none was paid or received, but all was on trust, the mint not supplying for common necessities. The Association with an oath required of all lawyers and officers, on pain of Praemunire, whereby men were obliged to renounce King James as no rightful king, and to revenge King William's death, if happening by assassination. This to be taken by all the Counsel by a day limited, so that the Courts of Chancery and King's Bench hardly heard any cause in Easter Term, so many crowded to take the oath. This was censured as a very entangling contrivance of the Parliament in expectation, that many in high office would lay down, and others surrender. Many gentlemen taken up on suspicion of the late plot, were now discharged out of prison.

On 13 May 1698 Dorothy Browne died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Branston [Map].

Dorothy Browne: she was born to Samuel Browne.

Avebury by William Stukeley. 13 May 1724. Table XXVI. A prospect of Silbury hill [Map] from the spring head of the Kennet River. 13 May. 1724.

On 13 May 1732 General William Hervey was born to John Hervey 2nd Baron Hervey (age 35) and Mary Lepell Baroness Hervey (age 32).

On 13 May 1736 William Weddell of Newby was born.

Wardlow Barrow 1 Account. Full title: XC. An Account of a remarkable Monument found near Ashford in Derbyshire: In a Letter from the Reverend Mr. Evatt, of Afhford, to Mr . Whitehurft, of Derby. Communicated by Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F. R. S.

Dear Sir, Ashford, October 5, 1761.

Read 13 May 1761.

The following is the best account I am able to give you of the curiosity I told you of, discovered some time ago in our neighbourhood; to which I have added, an imperfect drawing, that, I hope, Will, notwithstanding, give you a tolerable idea of it.

In the year 1759, as fome people were making a turnpike-road through the village of Wardlow, near this place, they thought proper to take out of an adjoining field, a heap of ftone, that had lain there time immemorial, and without any tradition, that I could find, why it was thrown together in that place, although it was manifeft it was a work of art. Here, to their great furprize, upoh removing the ftone, they found a monument [Map], to the memory of feventeen perfons, or more, who had been there interred, in the manner exprdled in the drawing annexed. [Vide Tab. XV.]

The bodies appeared to have been laid upon the furface of the ground, upon long flat ftones, and their heads and breafts protected from the incumbent weight of ftone, by fmall walls made round them, with a flat ftone over the top, as I have endeavoured to exprefs in the figures, excepting the two capital ones, marked a, a, which were walled up, and covered from head to foot, in the form of a long chest, with a stone cover over each.

Upon removing the rubbish, many bones, such as jaw-bones, teeth, and the like, were found undecayed; but none at all of the larger bones of the body, that I could learn. The heap of stones, that covered them, was 32 yards in diameter, and about five feet high; and the stones, of which the coffins, or tombs, were composed, appear, very plainly, to have been taken from a stone quarry, above a quarter of a mile distant. In the drawing, you see a part of the circle is vacant; but it is probable it was not so, as there were found several bones and teeth in that space; the cause might be, that as part lay next the road, it might have met with an accidental difturbance; or, what is yet more likely, the people that came to lead the stone away, beginning on that side of it, destroyed that part, before they were aware that it was any-ways remarkable, or worthy note.

There is one circumstance, that seems to denote the monument to have been rather modern; which is this. It appears, from the best observations I could make, that the wall, marked 4 , was erected before the monument was made, as I think it hardly probable, that the persons, who built it, would be at the trouble to remove that part of the circle, that was without, for the fake of building a field-wall, entirely level; which is the cafe, for all that portion of the circle, from the infide of the wall, was as level as any other part of the field: and as walls, I apprehend, are not of very antient date here, (if the above be a fact) I cannot help concluding, that the monument mull have been erected in fome or other of the wars of the houfes of York and Lancafter, or later. But this is only conjecture, and muft be fubmitted to the judgment of the more curious, or thofe who may have heard of, or feen, fome fimilar ones; for my part, in my reading, I have not met with any thing at all like it. The feveral coffins were about two feet high each; the two complete ones about 7.6 long each; and the others had the fiat ftone nearly the lame length; but the covering extended only as far as the breaft.

hefe are all the particulars I am now able to give you, of this remarkable monument. It is now totally deftroyed. If any of your friends, to whom you may, poffibly, communicate this, could afcertain, in any meafure, the date of it, Ihould be extremely glad to hear it from you, as, I think, it would greatly affill me in tracing fome other remarkable curiolities in our neighbourhood, by way of preparation for a natural hiftory of this part of our county.

I am.

Dear Sir,

Your sincere friend,

and humble servant,

Samuel Evatt.

XCI. Dejcriptia

Letters of James McNeill Whistler 1863. 13 May 1863. 7 Lindsey Row Battersea Bridge Old Chelsea. Wednesday

Dear Rossetti (age 35) -

Note D. come and breakfast with me on Sunday next at half past eleven - to meet Gambart (age 48) and perhaps Steevens (age 40) -

Ever yours

J Whistler (age 28)

On 13 May 1895 Thomas Percy 7th Earl of Northumberland was beatified.

After 13 May 1948 Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy (age 28) was buried at Cavendish Plot, St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map]. Joseph Patrick Kennedy (age 59), her father, was the only Kennedy family member to attend.

On Saturday 29 Jun 1963, around four in the afternoon, her grave was visited by her elder brother President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (age 30), some five months before his assassination. He was travelling from to London for a meeting with the British Prime Minister when he made a detour landing at and then travelling by helicopter to St Peter's Church, Edensor [Map]. He laid a wreath which he had brought from Ireland. Present at the wreath laying was his sisters Eunice Mary Kennedy (age 26) and Jean Ann Kennedy (age 20), and the Duke (age 53) and Duchess (age 52) of Devonshire.

Births on the 13th May

On 13 May 1179 Theobald Blois III Count Champagne was born to Henry Blois I Count Champagne (age 51) and Marie Capet Countess Champagne (age 34). He a great x 2 grandson of King William "Conqueror" I of England.

On 13 May 1258 Sancho IV King Castile IV King Leon was born to Alfonso X King Castile X King Leon (age 36) and Violante Barcelona Queen Consort Castile Queen Consort Leon. He a great x 3 grandson of King Henry "Curtmantle" II of England.

On 13 May 1333 Reginald III Duke Guelders was born to Reginald "Black" II Duke Guelders (age 38) and Eleanor of Woodstock Plantagenet (age 14). He a grandson of King Edward II of England.

On 13 May 1405 Margaret Savoy was born to Amadeus Savoy VIII Count Savoy (age 21) and Mary Valois Countess Savoy (age 18). Coefficient of inbreeding 3.44%.

On 13 May 1453 Mary Stewart Countess Arran was born to King James II of Scotland (age 22) and Mary of Guelders Queen Consort Scotland (age 19) at Stirling Castle [Map]. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

Before 13 May 1634 Robert Shafto Of Whitworth was born.

On 13 May 1654 Thomas Lennard 1st Earl of Sussex was born to Francis Lennard 14th Baron Dacre Gilsland (age 35) and Elizabeth Bayning Baroness Dacre Gilsland.

On 13 May 1708 John Spencer was born to Charles Spencer 3rd Earl of Sunderland (age 33) and Anne Churchill Countess Sunderland (age 25).

On 13 May 1732 General William Hervey was born to John Hervey 2nd Baron Hervey (age 35) and Mary Lepell Baroness Hervey (age 32).

On 13 May 1736 William Weddell of Newby was born.

On 13 May 1750 Frederick Hanover was born to Frederick Louis Hanover Prince of Wales (age 43) and Augusta Saxe Coburg Altenburg (age 30). He a grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Ireland.

On 13 May 1757 Henry Bryant Streatfeild was born to Henry Streatfield (age 50) and Anne Sidney (age 28).

On 13 May 1760 William Jervis Twysden 7th Baronet was born to William Twysden 6th Baronet (age 30).

On 13 May 1763 John Simpson was born to Henry Bridgeman 1st Baron Bradford (age 37) and Elizabeth Simpson.

On 13 May 1764 Dorothy Elizabeth Vaughan was born to Wilmot Vaughan 1st Earl Lisburne (age 36) and Dorothy Shafto Countess Lisburne (age 31).

On 13 May 1774 George Ralph Payne Jarvis was born.

On 13 May 1775 Charles Nevinson Howard was born to John Howard 15th Earl Suffolk (age 36) and Julia Gaskarth (age 38).

On 13 May 1778 Emily Elizabeth Fitzgerald was born to William Robert Fitzgerald 2nd Duke Leinster (age 29) and Emilia St George Duchess Leinster. She a great x 3 granddaughter of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 May 1783 Matthew Blakiston 3rd Baronet was born to Matthew Blakiston 2nd Baronet (age 22).

On 13 May 1788 Francis Russell 7th Duke Bedford was born to John Russell 6th Duke Bedford (age 21) and Georgiana Elizabeth Byng (age 20). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 May 1797 William Miles was born.

On 13 May 1799 Edward George Walpole Keppel was born to Frederick Keppel (age 36). He a great x 3 grandson of King Charles II of England Scotland and Ireland.

On 13 May 1808 William Grey was born to Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 44) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 32).

On 13 May 1827 Maria-Anne Wyndham was born to George Thomas Wyndham of Cromer Hall Norfolk (age 21) and Maria Augusta Windham Countess Listowel (age 22).

On 13 May 1847 Major Keppel Stephenson was born to Henry Frederick Stephenson (age 56) and Mary Keppel (age 43).

On 13 May 1847 Thomas Noel-Hill was born to Thomas Henry Noel-Hill (age 43).

On 13 May 1866 Gerald Bagot 5th Baron Bagot was born to Vice-Admiral Henry Bagot (age 55) and Eleanor Chandos-Pole (age 23).

On 13 May 1872 Alfred George Taylor was born.

On 13 May 1873 Robert James was born to Walter Henry James 2nd Baron Northbourne (age 27) and Edith Emeline Mary Lane Baroness Northbourne.

On 13 May 1875 Richard FitzGerald Glyn 8th and 4th Baronet was born to Richard George Glyn 3rd Baronet (age 43) and Frances Geraldine Fitzgerald Lady Glyn (age 31).

After 13 May 1883 Edith Maud Rawdon-Hastings 12th Countess Loudon was born to Major Paulyn Abney-Hastings (age 26) and Maud Grimston (age 26).

On 13 May 1907 Daphne du Maurier was born.

On 13 May 1915 John Lubbock 3rd Baron Avebury was born to Captain Harold Fox-Pitt Lubbock (age 26) and Dorothy Charlotte Forster Baroness Wardington (age 24).

On 13 May 1916 George Townshend 7th Marquess Townshend was born to John Townshend 6th Marquess Townshend (age 49). He a great x 3 grandson of King William IV of the United Kingdom.

On 13 May 1919 Elizabeth Mary Bromley was born to Arthur Charles Bromley 8th Baronet (age 42).

On 13 May 1939 John Dyke Acland 16th Baronet was born to Richard Acland 15th Baronet (age 32).

Marriages on the 13th May

On 13 May 1423 John Lancaster 1st Duke Bedford (age 33) and Anne Valois Duchess of Bedford (age 18) were married at Troyes, France [Map]. She by marriage Duchess Bedford She the daughter of John "Fearless" Valois Duke Burgundy and Margaret Wittelsbach Duchess Burgundy. He the son of King Henry IV of England and Mary Bohun. They were third cousins. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

On 13 May 1453 Adolph of Cleves (age 27) and Beatrice Aviz (age 18) were married. He the son of Adolph La Marck I Duke Cleves and Marie Valois Duchess Cleves (age 60). They were fourth cousins. He a great x 5 grandson of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England. She a great x 2 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

After 13 May 1460 Piers Legh (age 44) and Elizabeth Trafford (age 40) were married.

Before 13 May 1490 John Bourchier 2nd Baron Berners (age 23) and Katherine Howard Baroness Berners were married. She by marriage Baroness Berners. She the daughter of John Howard 1st Duke of Norfolk and Margaret Chedworth Duchess Norfolk (age 54). He the son of Humphrey Bourchier and Elizabeth Tilney Countess of Surrey (age 46). He a great x 3 grandson of King Edward III of England. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Edward "Longshanks" I of England.

Before 13 May 1532 Hew Kennedy 2nd of Girvan Mains and Janet Stewart were married. She the daughter of John Stewart 2nd Earl Atholl and Janet Campbell Countess Atholl. She a great x 4 granddaughter of King Edward III of England.

On 13 May 1650 Archibald Campbell 9th Earl Argyll (age 21) and Mary Stewart Countess Argyll (age 22) were married at Canongate Kirk, Canongate. She the daughter of James Stewart 4th Earl of Moray (age 39) and Margaret Home Countess Moray. He the son of Archibald Campbell 1st Marquess Argyll (age 43) and Margaret Douglas Marchioness Argyll (age 40). They were half second cousin once removed. She a great x 5 granddaughter of King Henry VII of England and Ireland.

On 13 May 1735 Henry Howard 10th Earl Suffolk (age 28) and Sarah Inwen Countess Suffolk were married. She by marriage Countess Suffolk. He the son of Charles Howard 9th Earl Suffolk and Henrietta Hobart Countess Suffolk (age 46).

On 13 May 1755 Duke Louis of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 29) and Charlotte Sophie Saxe Coburg Saalfeld (age 23) were married. She the daughter of Francis Josias Saxe Coburg Saalfeld Duke Saxe Coburg Saalfeld and Duchess Anna Sophie Of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (age 54). He the son of Christian Ludwig II Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (age 71). They were second cousin twice removed.

On 13 May 1762 William Beauchamp-Proctor 1st Baronet (age 40) and Laeticia Johnson Lady Beauchamp-Proctor were married. She by marriage Lady Beauchamp-Proctor of Langley Park in Norfolk.

On 13 May 1807 Thomas Fowell Buxton 1st Baronet (age 21) and Hannah Gurney Lady Buxton (age 24) were married. They had eight children of whom four died of whooping cough over a five-week period around April 1820.

On 13 May 1819 Richard Griffin 3rd Baron Braybrook (age 35) and Jane Cornwallis Baroness Braybrook (age 20) were married. She the daughter of Charles Cornwallis 2nd Marquess Cornwallis (age 44) and Louisa Gordon Marchioness Cornwallis (age 42).

On 13 May 1826 John Crocker Bulteel (age 33) and Elizabeth Grey (age 27) were married. She the daughter of Charles Grey 2nd Earl Grey (age 62) and Mary Elizabeth Ponsonby Countess Grey (age 50).

On 13 May 1830 Ernest Augustus Perceval (age 22) and Beatrice Trevelyan (age 21) were married. They were half first cousins.

On 13 May 1854 William Bateman-Hanbury 2nd Baron Bateman (age 27) and Agnes Burrell Kerrison Baroness Hanbury were married. They had four sons and six daughters. She by marriage Baroness Bateman of Shobdon.

On 13 May 1876 James Harris 3rd Earl Malmesbury (age 69) and Corisande Emma Bennet Countess Malmesbury (age 69) were married. She by marriage Countess Malmesbury. She the daughter of Charles Augustus Bennet 5th Earl Tankerville and Corisande Armandine Sophie Léonie Hélène Gramont Countess Tankerville. He the son of James Edward Harris 2nd Earl Malmesbury and Harriet Susan Dashwood.

Before 13 May 1915 Captain Harold Fox-Pitt Lubbock (age 26) and Dorothy Charlotte Forster Baroness Wardington (age 24) were married.

Deaths on the 13th May

After 13 May 1106 Ermentrude Claremont Countess Chester (age 48) died.

On 13 May 1176 Matthias Metz I Duke Lorraine (age 57) died. His son Simon Metz II Duke Lorraine succeeded II Duke Lorraine.

On 13 May 1285 Robert Ros (age 49) died. His son William Ros 1st Baron Ros Helmsley (age 30) inherited Belvoir Castle [Map].

On 13 May 1375 Stephen Wittelsbach II Duke Bavaria (age 56) died. His son Stephen "Magnificient Fop" Wittelsbach III Duke Bavaria (age 38) succeeded III Duke Bavaria.

On 13 May 1460 Margaret Molyneux (age 44) died at Bradley, Lancashire.

On 13 May 1519 Joan Stapleton Lady Millom (age 73) died at Bedale.

On 13 May 1529 John Carew (age 71) died.

On 10 Jul 1539 Adrian Fortescue (age 63) was executed at Tower Hill [Map] for treason. He doesn't appear to have had a trial. Neither is it clear what his crime was supposed to have been. Probably dis-agreeing with Henry VIII over religion. The Order of St. John of Jerusalem has advocated devotion to Blessed Adrian as a martyr since the 17th century and Pope Leo XIII beatified him on 13 May 1895.

On 13 May 1541 Thomas Bagot (age 36) died.

On 13 May 1556 Richard Dobbs died. He was buried at St Margaret Moses Church.

On 13 May 1558 Thomas Culpepper (age 57) died.

On 13 May 1560 Marmaduke Constable (age 60) died.

On 13 May 1566 Patrick Ruthven 3rd Lord Ruthven died.

On 13 May 1568 the army of Mary Queen of Scots (age 25) commanded by Archibald Campbell 5th Earl Argyll (age 34) was defeated by the army of the Regent her illegitimate half-brother James Stewart 1st Earl of Moray Regent (age 37).

John Campbell was killed.

William "Younger" Douglas 7th Lord Drumlanrig and Robert Seton 1st Earl Winton (age 15) fought.

Claud Hamilton 1st Lord Paisley (age 21) and George Seton 7th Lord Seton (age 37) fought for the Queen.

John Graham 6th Earl Menteith fought for the Earl of Moray.

On 13 May 1578 John Jeffrey of Chiddington Sussex (age 54) died.

On 13 May 1594 Christine Hesse (age 50) died.

On 13 May 1604 Richard Browne Clerk (age 65) died.

On 13 May 1616 Elizabeth Copley died.

On 13 May 1617 John Aston (age 40) died in Aston juxta Sutton Runcorn.

On 13 May 1628 George Purefoy (age 45) died.

On 13 May 1629 Charles James Stewart died.

On 13 May 1653 Friedrich Palatinate Simmern died.

On 13 May 1664 Thomas Widdrington (age 64) died.

On 13 May 1664 Thomas Morgan of Machen (age 75) died. Some sources say 18 Oct 1666.

On 13 May 1667 Joyce Vaux died.

On 13 May 1668 Captain Thomas Teddeman died.

On 13 May 1671 John Langham 1st Baronet (age 87) died. His son James Langham 2nd Baronet (age 51) succeeded 2nd Baronet Langham of Cottesbrooke in Northamptonshire.

Before 13 May 1680 Jonas Shish (age 75) died.

On 13 May 1686 John Bassett (age 34) died.

On 13 May 1691 William Faithorne "The Elder" (age 75) died.

On 13 May 1698 Dorothy Browne died. She was buried at All Saints' Church, Branston [Map].

Dorothy Browne: she was born to Samuel Browne.

On 13 May 1708 Frederick Louis Hohenzollern died.

On 13 May 1709 Carey Fraser Countess Peterborough and Monmouth (age 49) died.

On 13 May 1710 Henry Saxe Gotha Duke Saxe Römhild (age 59) died at Römhild.

On 13 May 1730 Justinian Isham 4th Baronet (age 71) died. His son Justinian Isham 5th Baronet (age 42) succeeded 5th Baronet Isham of Lamport in Northamptonshire.

On 13 May 1737 William Wodehouse (age 31) died of smallpox without issue. He was buried in St James'.

On 13 May 1746 James Drummond 3rd Duke Perth (age 33) died unmarried en route to France. He was buried at sea. His brother John Drummond 4th Duke Perth (age 32) succeeded 4th Duke Perth.

On 13 May 1749 Judith Butler died.

On 13 May 1753 William Hoare (age 37) died.

On 13 May 1768 Louisa Hanover (age 19) died.

On 13 May 1777 Daniel Campbell 2nd of Islay died.

On 13 May 1778 Jean Nicholson died.

On 13 May 1779 Heinrich Reuss (age 55) died.

On 13 May 1779 Heinrich XXIV Count Reuss of Ebersdorf (age 55) died.

On 13 May 1781 William Amherst (age 49) died.

On 13 May 1789 Thomas William Trollope 5th Baronet (age 27) died unmarried. His brother John Trollope 6th Baronet (age 23) succeeded 6th Baronet Trollope of Casewick in Lincolnshire.

On 13 May 1809 William Poyntz (age 75) died.

On 13 May 1814 George Rochfort 2nd Earl Belvedere (age 75) died without surviving issue. Earl Belvedere, Viscount Belfield and Baron Belfield extinct.

On 13 May 1815 John Ingilby 1st Baronet (age 57) died. His son William Amcotts-Ingilby 2nd Baronet (age 31) succeeded 2nd Baronet Ingilby of Ripley in Yorkshire.

On 13 May 1825 Charles Whitworth 1st Earl Whitworth (age 72) died. Earl Whitworth and Baron Adbaston in Staffordshire extinct.

On 13 May 1834 Archdeacon John Jones (age 58) died. He was buried at St Peter's Church, Llanbedr [Map] where he had been rector for fifteen years. Source.

On 13 May 1839 Hughes Bernard Maret died.

On 13 May 1849 General Edward Paget (age 73) died.

On 13 May 1849 Anthony Francis Henry Ashley-Cooper (age 16) died.

On 13 May 1855 Jane Casamaijor Countess Enniskillen died.

On 13 May 1857 William Fitzroy (age 74) died.

On 13 May 1866 Paulina Jermyn Lady Trevelyan (age 50) died.

On 13 May 1877 Cecil Chetwynd-Talbot Marchioness Lothian (age 69) died at Rome, Italy. She was buried at the Church of St David's Dalkeith.

On 13 May 1879 Julia Thellusson Baroness Walsingham (age 61) died.

On 13 May 1879 Maria Otway (age 70) died. Her sister Henrietta Otway 4th Baroness Braye (age 70) abeyance terminated 4th Baroness Braye; she died six months later. Reverend Edgell Wyatt-Edgell Baron Braye (age 78) by marriage Baron Braye.

On 13 May 1887 Caroline Leveson-Gower Duchess Leinster (age 60) died.

On 13 May 1891 Henry Brassey (age 50) died.

On 13 May 1902 George Floyd Duckett 3rd Baronet (age 91) died. Baronet Jackson aka Duckett of Hartham House in Wiltshire extinct.

On 13 May 1904 Walter Cecil Carpenter (age 70) died.

On 13 May 1909 Henry Aubrey Coventry (age 63) died.

On 13 May 1915 George Algernon Leveson-Gower (age 44) died from wounds received in action.

On 13 May 1915 Mary Evelyn Cotton Lady Broughton (age 50) died.

On 13 May 1923 Anna Maria Sawers Lady Hobhouse died.

On 13 May 1929 Emma Kennedy Countess Portarlington (age 67) died.

On 13 May 1948 Kathleen "Kick" Kennedy (age 28) and William Henry Lawrence Peter Wentworth-Fitzwilliam 8th and 6th Earl Fitzwilliam (age 37) died in a plane crash at the Plateau du Coiron, Saint-Bauzile during the course of their journey from Paris [Map]. His first cousin once removed Eric Spencer Wentworth-Fitzwilliam 9th and 7th Earl Fitzwilliam (age 64) succeeded 9th Earl Fitzwilliam, 7th Earl Fitzwilliam, 11th Baron Fitzwilliam of Liffer in Donegal. His wealth, estimated at 45 million pounds, including half of the Wentworth Woodhouse estate, the Coolattin estate in County Wicklow, Ireland, and a large part of the Fitzwilliam art collection went to his daughter Ann Juliet Dorothea Maud Wentworth-Fitzwilliam Marchioness Bristol (age 13).